Assalamualaikum and good evening to my Muslim and non-Muslim readers out there,
Apa khabar? Hee...Apa khabar is a malaysian word for saying how are you doing today..I do hope that my readers out there are happy, in good health and condition..Whether you are well or is feeling a bit unwell today I hope you guys would not forget to say Alhamdullilah to the creator of the heavens and the earth for all the blessing that He has given us.. Today I would like to talk about something that is very important but somehow has been neglected by so many; which is the greatness of the word "La ilahalillah". To many muslims, this very short word may seem a little bit trivial for them to learn as it is too frequently mentioned.. However to many non-Muslims especially those who are about to convert to Islam this word has very huge significance..The word "La ilahalillah" or known as the shahadah is the very word that they will have to learn and say with all their heart as they are about to enter Isl
So why is this word considered to be so important in Islam? According to the book 'The Greatness of Allah' by Dr. Aidh bin Abdullah Al-Qarni this word is the word that is the truest, the most beautiful and the ultimate phrase/ word with the most goodness in it. This word is the word that was given down by Allah and was a promise from God that was claimed for by humans, whereby many Rasools or messengers of the past were asked to teach. This word is at the very core of other books/ revelations of the past and due to this word, was there even the heavens and the earth, the sirath (the bridge to heavens whereby hell is below it) ,why the book of deed was opened, why the weigher of deeds was there (timbangan),the flag of jihad was raised.
If the word 'La ilahalillah' was put in on a balance/ weigher and all of the skies and the earth were out on one side, the word will weigh a lot more than all of the heavens and the earth. If this word is put in a metal , even the metal would melt and if put on a mountain, even the mountain would vibrate. This is just to show the power of the very word 'La ilahaillah.' This phrase is the phrase that is best used by those living and is the best to bring to death. With the word 'Lailahaillah', ones' blood, dignity and property will be valued for and preserved.
In other words, the phrase 'La ilahaillah' is the beginning and the end, and the root of all things. Just like a tree that does not have a strong and powerful root for it to stand tall will not be able to raise up high, humans will not be able to rise up high without acknowledging the power of this word. Only with humans surrendering to the greatness of Allah through the sincere acknowledgement of this word will they be able to gain God blessings in this life and the afterworld.
Opick Rapuh