Asif jiddan bebanyak for not being able to update this blog for so long.. Dz, Shira, Nik, Fatin and Emy have all been very busy due to our studies in America.. Alhamdulillah we have all graduated with flying colors after 5 years of learning.. Saya sekarang ada degree in Political Science and with a minor in Economics and Middle Eastern Studies..Shira now is already working at ADP Nilai and has a degree in Business Administration..Dz has a degree in Political Science and Fatin with a degree in International Relations while Farah has a degree in Actuarial Science..Everyone now is busy with their own lives and is trying to find their own purpose in life..
As for me, the 3 months after graduation has been pretty hard for me..Before this, I never had the chance to figure out what I really wanted to do in life..Dulu orang suruh study kita pon pergi luar negara kita pon pergi luar negara..Now that I have finished my studies I am left with very powerful questions about my life.. Where am I heading after this? What are my goals for the next 5 years? What do I aspire to be.. I was in the abyss for quite some time trying to figure these questions out and it was pretty hard for me as I never really had the time to do all these thinking before..What was more hard on me was the fact that I had to do all these thinking fast so as not to waste valuable time in my life.. I do not want to be jobless for too long..
In terms of career, I am at the crossroads between working with the government and also working on my own.. It has been a decision that I knew I had to make sooner or later. My dad and my aunts wanted me to do my own business instead of working with the government.If I worked with the government, I will forever be stuck with the government and there was no way I could gain more either in terms of money or knowledge.I will get an exact amount of money every month and will have to do the same old thing every month. Kalau kerajaan suruh i pergi kursus I pon kenala pergi kursus..If my boss suruh buat ni I pon kenala buat kerja ni..I do not have much choice about what I want to do,they say.. Both my aunts are entrepreneurs themselves so I think they def know what they are talking about..They were the ones who paid for both my grandparents' to go to Mecca using the money they got from doing business and I think I should heed their advice..Working on my own gives me the chance to explore on my own my own strength and also my own passion in life..This is not to say that working with the government has no benefits at all..Working with the government allows one to have a secured monthly income every month where you can save every month(if you have enough that is). You will also be provided with pensions once you work with the government after some time. Most of the time, people also work with the government because of the ranks and positions that they will get and the security that it offers..
Setelah saya fikir2, saya rasa dua2 ada baiknya.kalau kerja kerajaan/dgn org pon ok and kerja sendiri pon ok..kalau saya kerja kerajaan saya insyaAllah x perlu risau tentang urusan duit sgt sebab saya taw setiap bulan mesti saya akan ada pendapatan di penhujung bulan..tapi kalau x cukup tu kenala belajar pengurusan kewangan plak kan..Kalau gaji 2500 x kan nak kereta and rumah mahal2 samapai gaji pon x boleh cover kan..kenala hidup sekadar yg termampu..Tapi kalau nak bekerja sendiri kenala rajin berusaha..dan buat business ni ada baiknya sebab kita akan sentiasa bertawakal and berdoa kepada Allah yang memberi rezeki kepada kita pergantungan kepada Allah tu sgtla tinggi, especially dalam masa2 bila kita rasa kita sangat perlukan nabi Muhammad saw pon pernah berkata yang 9/10 daripada rezeki itu adalah daripada berniaga..InsyaAllah org yg berniaga tu adalah rezeki dia di mana2 Allah akan kasi jgn risau..cuma nak berjaya dlm berniaga ni bukan senang..kena banyak beristighfar dgn segala kesalahan lampau yg dah dilakukan dan kenala sentiasa berdoa kepada Allah untuk mengampunkannuya..Allah x kanla nak kasi kita kaya raya senang2 dengan melupakanNya kan?
So I figured out for the next 5 years I will help my dad with his business and will try to make his business a success. If within this next 5 years I feel that business is not the right thing for me, I still have the chance to turn back and work with the gov. The gov accepts people working with them till they are 50 so there's nothing much to be worried about. The most imprtant thing is our niah in doing business. Adakah kita hanya mahu menjadi kaya raya? Atau ingin menjadi seorang yang disegani setelah kita mampu bersedekah dgn banyak? Atau adakah kita mahu menolong ibu bapa kita? Bagi saya kalau saya dapat menghantar ibu bapa untuk menunaikan haji mereka menggunakan duit berniaga saya sendiri pon dah kira okla kan..Klau x kaya raya pon insyaAllah dgn rezeki Allah tu ada berkahnya membawa mereka untuk menunaikan haji dan umrah..
Before I pen off, I would like to share with my readers out there tentang rahsia2 kejayaan dlm bisnes daripada buku yang saya baca untuk murah rezeki dan untuk jauhi hutang oleh Ustzh Siti Nor Bahyah dan Ustz. Zahazan Mohamed serta Ustzh Mahfuzah Omar:
Berikut adalah 8 daripada rahsia2 untuk murah rezeki dan berjaya dlm perniagaan:
1) Banyakkan beristighfar dan bertaubat
2) Bertakwa kepada Allah
3)Sentiasa mengingati Allah
4)Bertawakal kepada Allah selepas berusaha
5)Beribadat kepada Allah dgn sebenar-benarnya
6)Mengerjakan haji dan umrah
7)Menjalin silaturrahim
Saya akan update dengan pembaca2 sekalian selepas ini tentang rahsia2 seterusnya dlm post yang I hope you guys will be patient and keep following this blog untuk mendapat ilmu2 perniagaan seterusnya.. Assalamualaikum...
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