Assalamulaikum to all readers..
Asif jiddan that it's been a while this blog is not updated.Thanks to Syira for all the efforts in keeping this blog're the greatest!:))
Today I'd be talking about something I've always wanted to update the blog on tapi tak update2 as I was too preoccupied with summer school and stuffs that I almost neglected everything else,including people that I love..huhu..asif jiddan yerk semua.So hari ni we'll be talking about kisah Ghulam..
Alkisahnya ada seorang raja di zaman jahiliyyah yang mempunyai seorang tukang sihir.Raja ni selalu mengkaburkan rakyat dia untuk dapatkan sokongan rakyat, dengan mengatakan dia Tuhan.Satu hari tukang sihir ni pergi kepada raja dan bagitahu raja yang dia dah tua dan perlukan seorang pengganti, seoramg anak muda yang boleh diajar dengan cepat(kiranya cepat tangkap pelajaranla ni) as well as seorang yang sihat,So diorang pon jumpala seorang budak yang sangat cerdik untuk menjadi pengganti tukang sihir ni,
Setiap hari, budak ni kena jumpa tukang sihir.On the way nak pergi jumpa tukang sihir tu dia selalu terserempak dengan sang rahib.So, setiap hari budak ni tadi akan jumpa sang rahib dan belajar ilmu agama drpd dia dulu sebelum berjumpa dengan tukang sihir.Tapi masalahnya, bila dia selalu jumpa dengan sang rahib, budak ni akan terlambat nak jumpa dengan tukang sihir.So tukang sihir pon bengekla kan bila tiap2 kali lambat jek nak jumpa dia.Dia pon soal budak ni 'Apasal lambat, apa yang halang ko datang awal?'.So budak ni pon x tawla nak jawab apa dan dia pon dipukul oleh tukang sihir.
Bila dia bagitahu sang rahib, sang rahib pon ada plan and suruh dia wat plan ni.Sang rahib cakap, 'kalau tukang sihir tanya ko kat mana, jawab ko lambat sebab keluarga ko, and kalau keluarga ko tnya kenapa lambat jawab ko lambat sebab tukang sihir.'So budak ni pon ikotla plan sang rahib yang licik ni ni tadi.Kat sini kita boleh belajar satu ciri2 naqibah yang baik, iaitu..jeng3..pandai mengambil mesti ramai yang berkerut kening ni bila dengar naqibah kena ada ciri2 ni.Well, meh sini kita terangkan sikit apa yang dimaksudkan dengan pandai mengambil kesempatan.Pandai mengambil kesempatan kat sini bkn ambil kesempatan yang mcm pisau cukur tu,Yang dimaksudkan kat sini ialah seorang naqibah kenala licik dan pandai mengambil peluang bila ada peluang terbuka.Mcm sang rahib ni.Dia nampak potensi yang ada pada budak yang cerdik ni, so sebelum budak ni dikafirkan oleh tukang sihir dia pon keluarkan wizardry dia dlm ilmu agama and ajar budak ni ilmu agama. dulu.So budak ni susahl nak dipengaruhi oleh tukang sihir.
Satu hari,masa dalam perjalanan nak jumpa tukang shir dan rahib, ada binatang buas yang menghalang budak ni daripada pergi.Tapi budak ni tryla uji ilmu yang dia dah belajar daripada rahib.Dia pon ambik btu dan baling sambil cakap 'Ya Allah, jika perintah rahib lebih engkau cintai dan ridhai daripada perintah tukang sihir maka bunuhlah binatang ini, sehingga manusia bisa menyeberang’.Binatang tu pon mati dan dia bagitahu rahib pasal apa yang berlaku.Rahib tu pon berkata,'Wahai anakku, kini engkau telah menjadi lebih utama dari diriku. Kelak, engkau akan diuji. Jika engkau diuji maka jangan tunjukkan diriku'.So sekarang ni, budak ni dah kira hebatla sebab ilmu dia bila diuji dah menunjukkan hasil.Tapi rahib still pesan kat budak ni jangan bagitahu pasal dia, as kalau raja tahu pasal rahib, maka habislah rahib ni kena bunuh dan tarbiyyah tu akan hilang.Kat sini kita boleh belajar banyak perkara iaitu cara budak ni menjadi hebat adalah dengan tarbiyyah.Hanya dengan tarbiyahla budak ni tadi dripada x taw apa2 boleh jadik sgt hebat dan tahu macam2.Kedua, kena ingat, macam rahib cakap, kalau kita dah beriman, maka kita pasti akan diuji, as Allah akan test sejauh mana keimana kita.Supaya kita x senang2 kata beriman.
Satu hari ada org kat pejabat raja yang sakit sopak, buta etc and jumpa budak ni.Mamat yang sakit ni bawak macam2 hadiah kat dia supaya dia sembuhkan penyakit dia.Budak ni pon ckp kat mamat tu,'Aku tidak bisa menyembuhkan seseorang. Yang bisa menyembuhkan adalah Allah Azza wa Jalla. Jika Anda beriman kepada Allah dan berdo’a kepadaNya, niscaya Ia akan menyembuhkanmu'.So mamat ni pon berdoala kepada Allah dan akhirnya dia pon sembuh.Raja pon terdengar pasal budak ni dan menyangka sihir budak ni dah cukup hebat.So raja yang perasan ni pon bertanya kat mamat tadi, siapa yang menyembuhkan dia, and mamat ni pon jawabla Allah.So raja pon bengkek dan cakap ,'Apakah kamu memiliki Tuhan selain diriku?'.and mamat yang dah sembuh ni jawab Tuhanku dana TuhanMu adalah Allah. Maka raja pon panggil budak ni dan cakap, 'Wahai pemida, sihirmu sekarang dah mampu menyembuhkan penyakit'Tapi budak ni pon tangkisla dan jawab, Aku tak mampu menyenbuhkan sesiapa, tetapi yang menyembuhkan adalah Allah.Bila Raja ni dengar lagi pasal Allah for a second time lagila dia bengkek so dia pon seksa budak ni secukupnya, smpai budak ni x tahan dan terpaksa gak bagitahu pasal rahib tadi.
Bila raja dapat tahu pasal rahib, apa lagi, raja pon seksa rahib secukup2 nya dengan menggergaji rahib ni sama2 dengn mamat yang baru sembuh tadi.Raja pon suruh konco2 dia bawak budak tadi di tengah2 gunung.Kalau budak tu kembali kepada agama dia, maka budak tu boleh lepas.Kalau tak, budak tu akan ditolak kedalam gaung.Tiba-tiba bila budak tu nak ditolak, gunung pon bergoncang dan budak tu pon x mati tapi konco2 raja tadi pon mati.Raja lalu terperanjat bila budak tu hidup lagi dan bertanya,‘Apa yang terjadi dengan kawan-kawanmu?’Budak tu menjawab, ‘Allah menjagaku dari mereka’.Raja pon suruh org2 dia yang lain bawak budak ni kelaut dan dilemparkan kelaut.Tetibe jek kapal tu bergoncang dan tenggelam.So budak ni still terselamat.
Raja pon still x paham dengan kehebatan budak ni tapi dah realize yang budak ni mmg ada something.Budak ni pon at last dah malas nak layan raja ni dia pon cakap,
‘Wahai raja, kamu tidak akan bisa membunuhku sehingga engkau melakukan apa yang kuperintahkan. Jika engkau melakukan apa yang aku perintahkan maka engkau akan bisa membunuhku. Jika tidak, engkau tak akan bisa membunuhku’.Raja pon bertanya perintah ap.Budak tu jawab,‘Kumpulkanlah orang-orang di satu padang yang luas, lalu saliblah aku di batang pohon. Setelah itu ambillah anak panah dari wadah panahku, lalu ucapkan, ‘Bismillahi rabbil ghulam (dengan nama Allah, Tuhan sang pemuda).So Raja ni sebab dah malu agaknya dan dah desperate nak bunuh budak ni dia pon ikotla cakap budak tadi.
Panah tu akhinya terkena skit jek kat budak tu, iaitu kat pelipis budak tu tapi budak tu pon meninggal.Ramai org yang budak tu suruh kumpulkan untuk menyaksilan kejadian itu pon tepana tengok macam mana budak yang hebat tu boleh mati sedangkan terkena sedikit jek panahan.Maka diorng pon sume masuk Islam dan mengucap kalimah shahadah.Diorng semua berkata,‘Kami beriman kepada Tuhan sang pemuda. Kami beriman kepada Tuhan sang pemuda'.Raja yang menyaksikan kejadian tu pon jadik takut and cakap ‘Tahukah Anda, sesuatu yang selama ini Anda takut-kan? Kini sesuatu itu telah tiba, semua orang telah beriman.Maka tu kiranya lebih kurangla ending dia.Ada lagi sikit tapi x penting yang tu.So daripada ni kisah Ghulam ni kita boleh belajar banyak perkara, about sacrifice, about using the fame we have for a bigger purpose and most of all about Tauhid and the Oneness of God.Org yang bijak mcm Ghulam ni taw dengan kematian dia mesti ramai lagi yang boleh masuk Islam maka dia pon berkorban untuk Islam dan Alhamdullillah plan dia berjaya.
Hope sume org dapat belajar macam2 daripada kisah Ghulam ni and dapat jadikan hikmah dalam kehidupan seharian kita.Moga kita semua mempunyai semangat mcm Ghulam ni..InsyaAllah..:))
Wednesday, August 15, 2012
Monday, July 9, 2012
Summer Training Camp 2012
Assalamualaikum to our beloved readers,
Asif jiddan for not updating the blog recently. It has been a few busy months for all of us. We have had our finals in April and then we have some activities going on in May and June, although it was summer break. For some of us, we got to go back to Malaysia and meet our loved ones. For some of us, we stayed here and are taking summer class or summer job. No matter what it is, there is no rest until we do what we have to do. InsyaAllah, hopefully we will istiqamah in this Deen, doing what we should do and not just leisuring around although it is summer break.
Alhamdulillah, Dz and I have recently be able to attend the Summer Training Camp in Natchez Trace State Park, Tennesee. Finally, I was in Tennesee. It was a lovely park with lots of trees and greenery and a big lake. The Summer Training Camp is actually an annual summer camp jointly organized by the MISG (Malaysian Islamic Student Group) and IMSA (Indonesian Muslim Students Association). Alhamdulillah, after much discussion, online meetings and some brainstorming that went on for weeks among the committees, we have successfully put together the whole plan into action. It was a learning experience for me. :)
So, what is the camp all about? Firstly, it is a summer camp with the theme 'Contemplating the Vast Creations, Comprehending the Greatness of Allah'. It is about Muslims brothers and sisters being near nature, and remembering Allah SWT.
Since for Purdue sisters, we have classes in the afternoon, we ended up departing around 3.00pm from Purdue. Before that, we dropped by UIUC to pick twos sisters who are joining us from there.When we arrived at the park, it was already over 11pm. We were tested, as we got lost and the GPS kept giving the wrong direction to us when we tried to locate the cabin where we were going to stay. It was dark and there were no other cars beside our two cars and we were in the middle of nowhere in the wood. Luckily for us, after we tried to call some of the committees, we finally got through one, who came for our rescue and showed us the right way to the camping site. As we arrived it was over midnight, almost one in the morning. It had been a very long journey and we were very tired but alhamdulillah, after performing our congregration prayers, we finally got to sleep. We sisters were all assigned to sleep together in the bunkhouse with double beds and dorm-like feel. It was, alhamdulillah, cosy enough although there was not enough bunk beds and some of us have to sleep on mattresses on the floor. Finally, we only got a few hours of sleep. At 4 something the masulah of the program came to wake us up for the Subuh prayer. Apparently we have missed the Qiyamullail at 3.30 am because we were too tired. We got ready for the prayer. After the prayer, mathuraat reading and short tazkirah, we got back to sleep for some rest. At around 8 am we woke up again and got ready for breakfast, which was a nice porridge cooked by the IMSA mothers.
After breakfast, we did some morning exercise and stretching. Then we left for the Cub Lake area for our hiking activity. We were divided into groups of about nine to ten people. We MISG sisters and brothers have decided that we were going to take the long, two hours trail. Apparently, it was longer than we expected. The whole journey took about three hours and it was really tiring. And the weather was really hot. And most of us only took a bottle of water with us so we got thirsty half-way. To make things harder, the route kept going up and down the hill. Nevertheless, the journey in the wood was a good experience for all of us. At the end of the day, we finally reached the endpoint and all of us got out safe and sound. We learned a lot from that activity. Firstly, I learnt that, just like the path in our lives, sometimes there will be obstacles that will be in our ways but we need to overcome that in order to move on. And life, itself is not easy, there are ups and downs but in order to survive we need to go through it all. And when I got thirsty, I thought of Allah and how much he have bless us with abundant food and drinks that sometimes we forgot what it feels like to lack these blessings. Another thing is there was one time that we got lost in the wood and then we turned back and was finally on the right path again. The moral of the story? In life, there might be times when we will be side-tracked and got lost but if we do not try to find the right path again, we will be lost forever. But if we try, insyaAllah, we will find our ways. Also, there are times when I wanted so much to walk out of the wood that I walked too fast and I began to stop appreciating the greenery and beauty around me. May Allah SWT forgive me for my impatience. May in this life, I will take my time so that I can appreciate the little things around me. Last but not least, I learn that teamwork matters. For example, when we were in the wood, we have to make sure we help each other and that no one is left behind so that we would all come out of the wood safe and sound. The same goes in life. We should always help one another and not leave one of us behind. That way, may all of us survived and insyaAllah, see each other in Jannah. :) <3
After the hiking activity, we went back to the cabin for shower, lunch and prayer. And then the MISG sisters and brothers have a session with Akh Rashdan, a brother from UK who gave a talk on the Rise and Fall of Andalusia and Constatinople. Although we were all tired from the hiking, it was a really good talk and we learn that it was our responsibilities to made sure that Islam which was once one of the greatest civilization on Earth could rise to the top again. Ignorance, betrayal and selfishness could lead to our downfall. Thus, we must always have the courage and confidence to bring back Islam to the top.
After the talk, the sisters and brothers have their own separate games. All the sisters went to play War Game using water balloons. Although it was a little chaotic because some kids were joining us and it was hard to explain the rules to them, we got the game going anyway. Alhamdulillah, my team won and we learn that we have to have a good strategy to win. Just like what we have heard form the talk earlier. Later on, since we still have remaining time, we decided to play galah panjang.
After the game, we went for shower again and then we have our dinner, prayed and later that night, we have a Jeopardeen Game. Alhamdulillah, my team won again. :) We brought back a huge hamper of food which we shared among our team.
That night, I got to spend time talking with Dz and Aqilah from ISU. We got into this pillow talk and it was nice. Though I did not stayed long because I was feeling sleepy, it was really nice that I got to catch up with both of them again.
The next day I was woken up by program Ameerah at 4 something. Again, I was feeling so sleepy to get up but I got up and went to pray anyway. And then we recited the mathuraat and have a short tazkirah. After that, we went back to sleep. I woke up at 8 and then got ready for breakfast. After that we left the camp site and went to the lake again. This time the sisters played volleyball and throwing slippers whereas the brothers played water game at the lake. After those games, we went to the lake for boating in the fishing boat and the paddle boat. It was really fun and we got to spend time with each other and got to know each other closer.
Around noon, we went back to the camp site. We took our shower and lunch and then we have another session with Akh Rashdan, this time a topic on "Wahai Pemuda". We learnt that the four characteristics that all "pemuda" should have are: faith/confidence, sincerity, spirit and sacrifice. With these four characteristics, we could insyaAllah contribute for our religion and bring Islam to the top again.
After the talk, the brothers went to play soccer whereas the sisters have a cooking competition called "The Iron Chef". Unfortunaely, my Purdue sisters and I have to miss the game because we have to head back early so that we could reach Purdue early and none of us have to miss the morning class. We also have to miss the talk show, entertainment night and a great supper of grilled lamb and smorses but I gues there was a hikmah behind it all. After saying goodbye to everyone, we left.
The journey back to Purdue which supposedly took 8 hours ended up being twelve hours as we got lost afew times, have to stop for fuel, food and praying. We left at 5PM and arrived at 5AM in the morning.Not just that, some of the sisters have to drive with their body aching from all the activities we have done at the camp and some with headache from the heat and some with feeling sleepy. Alhamdulillah, we arrived safely. It was a test for all of us but we supported one another and survived through it.
For some of us, we have exams the next day. For some, we have assignments due. Some of us overslept and ended up missing our class. Yet, we got our assignments done on time and our readings for the exams too. No matter what, we did not regret coming to the camp. We learnt a lot and this is part of our sacrifice in order to gain both the knowledge of dunia and akhirat. May Allah SWT bless our efforts and sacrifice and may all of us gain benefits from it all. InsyaAllah.. Amin.. :) Hopefully, we will get to join such program again next time.
Friday, April 13, 2012
Usrah Online with Kak Siti.. After like.. 3 months? :)
Alhamdulillah, tidak lama lepas balik daripada ISR tempoh hari, Kak Siti panggil kitorang untuk buat usrah online setelah agak lama kitorang tak dengar khabar berita or bercontact2 dgn dia. And ini adalah sedikit sebanyak sedutan daripada usrah tersebut.
Firstly, Kak Siti tnya khabar kitorg but sbb dah lme gak kot x contact so mcm tak tau nk cite apa or nk start dr mne. Dah byk perkara brlaku n ktrg msg2 dgn kisah msg2. Nnti klu start bercerita blh tulis novel dah kot. Hehe. So ktrg pun mostly choose to remain silent n akhirnya ktrg decide apa kata Kak Siti yg cite dulu since dia pun baru balik dari India.
So Kak Siti pun mula la bercerita tentang trip dia ke India baru2 ni. Kak Siti kata kat India tu x bebas sgt sbb students diorg ada curfew dlm kul 6.30 ptg cmtu. So krenya after kul 6.30 diorang tak boleh kluar dah. And then in terms of culture, culture diorang agak slow in anything yg diorang buat. Jalan di sne juga sgt serabut, horror tp somehow specialnya xde plak kmalangan berlaku kat sini. Klu ada pun, jarang sangat la.
Anyway, Kak Siti gi sne dgn dua org rakan sperjuangan dia iaitu Kak Nadia and Kak Masyitah. Mula2 tu diorg dtg together n plan nk jalan2 ke semua tmpat sme2 tp sbb kesuntukan mse utk di spend kat India tu akhirnya diorg decide utk split up. And kat sini la cabaran bermula bg masing2. Contohnya for Kak Siti, dia kena naik bas sorg2 sampai kul 4, 5 pagi. Dah la perempuan, sorang2, waktu2 mcm tu plak tu. Bahaya jugak la tapi demi adik2 yg menanti di u masing2 trpksala diteruskn juga. And then masa tu dah la Kak Siti tak reti ckp bhsa diorang n tmpt2 tu tak prnah pegi pun. Mse tu risau juga sme ada bas tu mnuju ke destinasi yg btul. Pngharapan n prlindungan hanya depends kat Allah SWT je. N then Kak Siti kne brhenti kat tepi jalan. Mmg time tu risau sgt sme ada tmpt tu btul ke tak. Masing2 dgn cabaran msg2. Cthnya Kak Nadia ada sesat2 tp nasib baik lpeas tu dpt jumpa balik. Kak Masyitah pulak xde fon. N then Kak Siti sndiri trtinggal purse xde duit lngsung, tinggal fon je.Tapi Alhamdulillah, masing2 selamat smpai ke destinasi msg2.
Now tht msg2 dah sorg2 kat destinasi msg2, sume kne buat sndiri. Sdgkn sblum ni sume dah biasa discuss. Spjg musafir tu terasala byk msalah perlu diselesaikn. Mcm duta, kena tgk keadaan di situ, n beri input pada naqibah2 diorang di Malaysia. Memang time tu sgt perlukn ktahanan fizikal dan kemampuan utk brfikir lbih jauh walaupun penat. Penagalamn tu ibarat satu tarbiyyah perasaan. Walaupun mula2 rasa mcm tak tau nk buat apa kat situ, n trnya-tnya kat diri sendiri, "apa yang aku buat kat sini sebenarnya?", tp bila difikir2 balik lbh baik berada kat situ drpd duduk kat Malaysia without knowing all these conditions yg going on kat Indiakan. Sekurg2nya sume tu dpt mngajar kte byk bnda n bantu kte bila kte dah balik nnti.
N then Kak Siti continue cite dia. Dia kata dia pegi stu tmpt ni nme dia Kala ke Kola ke cmner ntah dah lupa tp tmpt tu dkat dgn Bangalore. Kak Siti kata tmepat ni selalau dilupakan sbb tmpt tu dkat tp selalu disacrifice sbb org biasanya nk gi Manipal dulu ke n akhirnya ble dah xde mse lbih org x pegi pun tmpat tu. Tapi somehow Kak Siti determine gak nk gi situ so dia pun pegi situ n brsme2 dgn students Malysia kat sne. Somehow students Malysia kat situ byk yg free hair n ske buat bnda suka hati. Tapi, yg uniknya diorang ni sukakn kebaikan. Diorg actually duduk together dlm suasana yg harmoni cuma diorg tak tau nk buat apa je. Diorang ni usrah online so diorg susah nk dkatkn diri dgn tarbiyyah tu sbb diorg x nmpak suasana tu dpan mata. Ada jugak students Malaysia kat situ yg non-Muslim tapi suasana kat situ sgt harmoni n diorg sgt2 smangat. N kak siti sgt kgum la tgk diorg ni, cuma syg, sbb drg blum mampu nk wujudkn biah solehah tu. N mnurut kak siti, bila nk wujudkn stu usrah tu kne taaruf utk wujudkn willingness to trust other people utk mnegur dan ditegur. Tapi bnda ni susah nk fham ble dibuat online sbb x nmpk muka. Berita2 psl drg pun kakak usrah dpt tau dr fb je. Usrah online ni mmg byk klemahan tp trpksa diteruskn jugak. Bnda ni mngkin lbih snang klu ada sorg kakak yg duduk kat sne. Klu tak kne make sure 1st layer yg pegi sne tu spatutunya sgt kuat tarbiyyahnya.
Actually Kak Siti sndiri xde usrah dgn dak2 India ni. From apa yg dia nmpak, India ni sbuah ngara yg kita bru nk menancapkan benih kita tp nk study kat India pun agk susah so agak susah nk mnghantar kakak2 ke sne. Kak Siti tambah lg, kat India tu tak boleh masuk masjid. Menurut Kak Siti, mmg klu ikut Islam tu mmg lbh baik girls duk rumah tp tu tak patut jd sebab utk diorg halang girls utk gi masjid. Sbb perempuan pun kne tuntut ilmu n ini pnting sbb drg yg akn ends up ajar anak2 kat rumah.
N then Kak Siti kongsi cite dia bce stu buku Hasil tulisan Syed Qutub ni. Rujuk surah Al-Baqarah ayat 208-209. Kak Siti rse bce buku tu mcm beri dia stu pndangan yg baru. Dlm ayat 208 tu, Allah SWT berfirman:
Wahai orang2 yg beriman, masuklah ke dalam Islam secara keseluruhan,....
Dlm buku tu, dia merujuk kepada: Wahai orang yang beriman! Masuklah ke dalam kedamaian (Islam) dengan keseluruhan jiwa kamu. Islam=kedamaian. Kedamaian tu apa? Adakah kte telah damai? Kalau tak, kenapa kita tak damai walaupun kita Islam?
Mcm ayat tadi tu, ditujukan utk org beriman. Kata dah beriman, kenapa kena masuk secara keseluruhan? Maknanya orang dah beriman pun kena masuk lagi. Oleh itu kte kne ada kefahaman yg jelas, kte kne memberi spenuh keyakinan dan kepercayaan kpd Allah and kte xkan cmpur adukkan dgn benda lain sbb kte tahu Allah Maha Adil. Kesan drpd perasaan yg kte dpt trbaik tu lah bru kte tau ada hikmah stp apa yg brlaku tu. Kte xkn rse sedih sgt klu kte tau ada hikmah sbenanya apa yg brlaku tu. Kdg2 Allah bg kita rse susah sikit so that kte akan rse bestnya lepas tu. Sbb hanya Allah SWT yg sempurna. Bila kte melihat sifat2 Allah SWT xde apa2 pun yg kita akn persoalkn. Bergantung kat Dia pun dah cukup n Dia sndiri dah berfirman yg Dia xkn bg benda yg kte x mampu (2:286).
Menurut Syed Qutub, Allah dah ciptakan alam ni seiringan dgn kita, bergerak dgn kita, bertasbih seiringan dgn kita, sume ikut Sunatullah dan bersma-sma dgn kita. Oleh itu, kte dgn alam ni kne bermesra hingga dtg kedamaian kpd kita. Kte kne berusaha mnjadikn sume bnda ikut aturanNya, cthnya menyiram pokok agar pokok tumbuh subur. Tp yg susahnya sbenanya nk bina manusia dpan kita supaya ikut suruhan Allah SWT. Tapi Allah SWT dah sertakn manual utk lakukan sume kerja tu (Al-Quran). Dgn manusia kte prlukn lbh perhatian utk pastikn amalan tu trjaga n utk mnghapuskn perasaan keluh kesah. Sbb tu kne lbh brsabar n istiqamah ble nk membentuk manusia yg baik. Jadi, xpelah wlaupun penat n org x tgk apa yg kte buat, tp Allah SWT akn tgk n kte akn di judge di akhirat nnti. Di akhirat manusia akn mndapat hak2 dia yg dah trhakis di dunia ni. Thus, perasaan damai akn trhasil. Matlamat kte ialah satu penganugerahan atau satu nikmat yg trlalu agung. Jadi kte perlu sgt aware dgn apa yg kte nk wat. Klu kte x synchronize dgn alam mknanya kte x synchronize dgn apa yg Allah SWT suruh buat. But if we do everything because of Allah SWT, akan wujud kedamaian.
Kak Siti cite lg, kte manusia ni diberi amanah utk mnguruskn alam. Ciri2 mcm masyarakat yg bersatu-padu, melahirkn perasaan yg penuh kasih syg dihubungkn dgn akidah itu sgt pnting. Cthnya bila pegi Spain, wlupun x fham bahasa diorg tp hubungan yg wujud sesama Muslims tu special. Drg sgt boleh ditrust smapi fon boleh ditnggalkn merata-rata n xde spe akn ambil. Hbungan akidah tu sbenanya sesuatu yg sgt special. Kak Siti ckp kte boleh je bersma dgn sumone tu sparuh hari kita stp hari tp kte x care pun. Cthnya rkn skejra yg kte jmpa hari2 tp kte sndiri x tau pun bpe anak dia ada ke. Or rakan2 sekelas yg duk kat kuliah sbelah kte hari2 ke. Kte tau ke dia ada bpe org adik-bradik, suka makan apa, suka dgr lagu apa ke? Tapi klu hubungan ukhwah ni lain. Kdg2 jumpa bpe min baru pun dah boleh makan n tido sme2. Thus, sbenanya utk merapatkn ukhwah ni is not abt the time that we spent together but dari base tu kte dah kne betul, niat kte pun kne betul. Jadi, back to relation dgn Surah Al-Baqarah ayat 208 tadi tu, tu sbenanya stu ayat yg agak keras. Ble kte dah fham, kte kne jaga sume bnda yg kak siti dah sbut tadi ni. N then merujuk ayat 209, stlah dtg sgala bnda jika kita masih trgelincir jugak, Allah SWT Maha Perkasa, kekuatan tu hanya ada pada Allah SWT dan hanya Allah SWT yg mampu utk britndak ke atas kita. Thus, apa yg dipilih oleh Allah SWT lah yg trbaik n apa yg dilarang plg x baik. Ble dah fham sume ni, n jika kte x wat gak. Allah SWT mampu bertindak. Jadi, ble kte x dpt sesuatu tu, blajarlah utk redha sbb kdg2 apa yg Allah SWT x pilih utk kte tu lah yg plg buruk.
Sekian shj report utk usrah kali ni. InsyaAllah klu ada lg akn dtg, akn dishare lg. Thanks sume for reading! Smoga mndpt manfaat drpdnya. :)
Firstly, Kak Siti tnya khabar kitorg but sbb dah lme gak kot x contact so mcm tak tau nk cite apa or nk start dr mne. Dah byk perkara brlaku n ktrg msg2 dgn kisah msg2. Nnti klu start bercerita blh tulis novel dah kot. Hehe. So ktrg pun mostly choose to remain silent n akhirnya ktrg decide apa kata Kak Siti yg cite dulu since dia pun baru balik dari India.
So Kak Siti pun mula la bercerita tentang trip dia ke India baru2 ni. Kak Siti kata kat India tu x bebas sgt sbb students diorg ada curfew dlm kul 6.30 ptg cmtu. So krenya after kul 6.30 diorang tak boleh kluar dah. And then in terms of culture, culture diorang agak slow in anything yg diorang buat. Jalan di sne juga sgt serabut, horror tp somehow specialnya xde plak kmalangan berlaku kat sini. Klu ada pun, jarang sangat la.
Anyway, Kak Siti gi sne dgn dua org rakan sperjuangan dia iaitu Kak Nadia and Kak Masyitah. Mula2 tu diorg dtg together n plan nk jalan2 ke semua tmpat sme2 tp sbb kesuntukan mse utk di spend kat India tu akhirnya diorg decide utk split up. And kat sini la cabaran bermula bg masing2. Contohnya for Kak Siti, dia kena naik bas sorg2 sampai kul 4, 5 pagi. Dah la perempuan, sorang2, waktu2 mcm tu plak tu. Bahaya jugak la tapi demi adik2 yg menanti di u masing2 trpksala diteruskn juga. And then masa tu dah la Kak Siti tak reti ckp bhsa diorang n tmpt2 tu tak prnah pegi pun. Mse tu risau juga sme ada bas tu mnuju ke destinasi yg btul. Pngharapan n prlindungan hanya depends kat Allah SWT je. N then Kak Siti kne brhenti kat tepi jalan. Mmg time tu risau sgt sme ada tmpt tu btul ke tak. Masing2 dgn cabaran msg2. Cthnya Kak Nadia ada sesat2 tp nasib baik lpeas tu dpt jumpa balik. Kak Masyitah pulak xde fon. N then Kak Siti sndiri trtinggal purse xde duit lngsung, tinggal fon je.Tapi Alhamdulillah, masing2 selamat smpai ke destinasi msg2.
Now tht msg2 dah sorg2 kat destinasi msg2, sume kne buat sndiri. Sdgkn sblum ni sume dah biasa discuss. Spjg musafir tu terasala byk msalah perlu diselesaikn. Mcm duta, kena tgk keadaan di situ, n beri input pada naqibah2 diorang di Malaysia. Memang time tu sgt perlukn ktahanan fizikal dan kemampuan utk brfikir lbih jauh walaupun penat. Penagalamn tu ibarat satu tarbiyyah perasaan. Walaupun mula2 rasa mcm tak tau nk buat apa kat situ, n trnya-tnya kat diri sendiri, "apa yang aku buat kat sini sebenarnya?", tp bila difikir2 balik lbh baik berada kat situ drpd duduk kat Malaysia without knowing all these conditions yg going on kat Indiakan. Sekurg2nya sume tu dpt mngajar kte byk bnda n bantu kte bila kte dah balik nnti.
N then Kak Siti continue cite dia. Dia kata dia pegi stu tmpt ni nme dia Kala ke Kola ke cmner ntah dah lupa tp tmpt tu dkat dgn Bangalore. Kak Siti kata tmepat ni selalau dilupakan sbb tmpt tu dkat tp selalu disacrifice sbb org biasanya nk gi Manipal dulu ke n akhirnya ble dah xde mse lbih org x pegi pun tmpat tu. Tapi somehow Kak Siti determine gak nk gi situ so dia pun pegi situ n brsme2 dgn students Malysia kat sne. Somehow students Malysia kat situ byk yg free hair n ske buat bnda suka hati. Tapi, yg uniknya diorang ni sukakn kebaikan. Diorg actually duduk together dlm suasana yg harmoni cuma diorg tak tau nk buat apa je. Diorang ni usrah online so diorg susah nk dkatkn diri dgn tarbiyyah tu sbb diorg x nmpak suasana tu dpan mata. Ada jugak students Malaysia kat situ yg non-Muslim tapi suasana kat situ sgt harmoni n diorg sgt2 smangat. N kak siti sgt kgum la tgk diorg ni, cuma syg, sbb drg blum mampu nk wujudkn biah solehah tu. N mnurut kak siti, bila nk wujudkn stu usrah tu kne taaruf utk wujudkn willingness to trust other people utk mnegur dan ditegur. Tapi bnda ni susah nk fham ble dibuat online sbb x nmpk muka. Berita2 psl drg pun kakak usrah dpt tau dr fb je. Usrah online ni mmg byk klemahan tp trpksa diteruskn jugak. Bnda ni mngkin lbih snang klu ada sorg kakak yg duduk kat sne. Klu tak kne make sure 1st layer yg pegi sne tu spatutunya sgt kuat tarbiyyahnya.
Actually Kak Siti sndiri xde usrah dgn dak2 India ni. From apa yg dia nmpak, India ni sbuah ngara yg kita bru nk menancapkan benih kita tp nk study kat India pun agk susah so agak susah nk mnghantar kakak2 ke sne. Kak Siti tambah lg, kat India tu tak boleh masuk masjid. Menurut Kak Siti, mmg klu ikut Islam tu mmg lbh baik girls duk rumah tp tu tak patut jd sebab utk diorg halang girls utk gi masjid. Sbb perempuan pun kne tuntut ilmu n ini pnting sbb drg yg akn ends up ajar anak2 kat rumah.
N then Kak Siti kongsi cite dia bce stu buku Hasil tulisan Syed Qutub ni. Rujuk surah Al-Baqarah ayat 208-209. Kak Siti rse bce buku tu mcm beri dia stu pndangan yg baru. Dlm ayat 208 tu, Allah SWT berfirman:
Wahai orang2 yg beriman, masuklah ke dalam Islam secara keseluruhan,....
Dlm buku tu, dia merujuk kepada: Wahai orang yang beriman! Masuklah ke dalam kedamaian (Islam) dengan keseluruhan jiwa kamu. Islam=kedamaian. Kedamaian tu apa? Adakah kte telah damai? Kalau tak, kenapa kita tak damai walaupun kita Islam?
Mcm ayat tadi tu, ditujukan utk org beriman. Kata dah beriman, kenapa kena masuk secara keseluruhan? Maknanya orang dah beriman pun kena masuk lagi. Oleh itu kte kne ada kefahaman yg jelas, kte kne memberi spenuh keyakinan dan kepercayaan kpd Allah and kte xkan cmpur adukkan dgn benda lain sbb kte tahu Allah Maha Adil. Kesan drpd perasaan yg kte dpt trbaik tu lah bru kte tau ada hikmah stp apa yg brlaku tu. Kte xkn rse sedih sgt klu kte tau ada hikmah sbenanya apa yg brlaku tu. Kdg2 Allah bg kita rse susah sikit so that kte akan rse bestnya lepas tu. Sbb hanya Allah SWT yg sempurna. Bila kte melihat sifat2 Allah SWT xde apa2 pun yg kita akn persoalkn. Bergantung kat Dia pun dah cukup n Dia sndiri dah berfirman yg Dia xkn bg benda yg kte x mampu (2:286).
Menurut Syed Qutub, Allah dah ciptakan alam ni seiringan dgn kita, bergerak dgn kita, bertasbih seiringan dgn kita, sume ikut Sunatullah dan bersma-sma dgn kita. Oleh itu, kte dgn alam ni kne bermesra hingga dtg kedamaian kpd kita. Kte kne berusaha mnjadikn sume bnda ikut aturanNya, cthnya menyiram pokok agar pokok tumbuh subur. Tp yg susahnya sbenanya nk bina manusia dpan kita supaya ikut suruhan Allah SWT. Tapi Allah SWT dah sertakn manual utk lakukan sume kerja tu (Al-Quran). Dgn manusia kte prlukn lbh perhatian utk pastikn amalan tu trjaga n utk mnghapuskn perasaan keluh kesah. Sbb tu kne lbh brsabar n istiqamah ble nk membentuk manusia yg baik. Jadi, xpelah wlaupun penat n org x tgk apa yg kte buat, tp Allah SWT akn tgk n kte akn di judge di akhirat nnti. Di akhirat manusia akn mndapat hak2 dia yg dah trhakis di dunia ni. Thus, perasaan damai akn trhasil. Matlamat kte ialah satu penganugerahan atau satu nikmat yg trlalu agung. Jadi kte perlu sgt aware dgn apa yg kte nk wat. Klu kte x synchronize dgn alam mknanya kte x synchronize dgn apa yg Allah SWT suruh buat. But if we do everything because of Allah SWT, akan wujud kedamaian.
Kak Siti cite lg, kte manusia ni diberi amanah utk mnguruskn alam. Ciri2 mcm masyarakat yg bersatu-padu, melahirkn perasaan yg penuh kasih syg dihubungkn dgn akidah itu sgt pnting. Cthnya bila pegi Spain, wlupun x fham bahasa diorg tp hubungan yg wujud sesama Muslims tu special. Drg sgt boleh ditrust smapi fon boleh ditnggalkn merata-rata n xde spe akn ambil. Hbungan akidah tu sbenanya sesuatu yg sgt special. Kak Siti ckp kte boleh je bersma dgn sumone tu sparuh hari kita stp hari tp kte x care pun. Cthnya rkn skejra yg kte jmpa hari2 tp kte sndiri x tau pun bpe anak dia ada ke. Or rakan2 sekelas yg duk kat kuliah sbelah kte hari2 ke. Kte tau ke dia ada bpe org adik-bradik, suka makan apa, suka dgr lagu apa ke? Tapi klu hubungan ukhwah ni lain. Kdg2 jumpa bpe min baru pun dah boleh makan n tido sme2. Thus, sbenanya utk merapatkn ukhwah ni is not abt the time that we spent together but dari base tu kte dah kne betul, niat kte pun kne betul. Jadi, back to relation dgn Surah Al-Baqarah ayat 208 tadi tu, tu sbenanya stu ayat yg agak keras. Ble kte dah fham, kte kne jaga sume bnda yg kak siti dah sbut tadi ni. N then merujuk ayat 209, stlah dtg sgala bnda jika kita masih trgelincir jugak, Allah SWT Maha Perkasa, kekuatan tu hanya ada pada Allah SWT dan hanya Allah SWT yg mampu utk britndak ke atas kita. Thus, apa yg dipilih oleh Allah SWT lah yg trbaik n apa yg dilarang plg x baik. Ble dah fham sume ni, n jika kte x wat gak. Allah SWT mampu bertindak. Jadi, ble kte x dpt sesuatu tu, blajarlah utk redha sbb kdg2 apa yg Allah SWT x pilih utk kte tu lah yg plg buruk.
Sekian shj report utk usrah kali ni. InsyaAllah klu ada lg akn dtg, akn dishare lg. Thanks sume for reading! Smoga mndpt manfaat drpdnya. :)
Sunday, April 8, 2012
Tips on How to Be An Awesome Muslim
Having learned about Maratib Amal, we know that the first baby step we should do to reach Ustaziatul Alam is by developing ourselves to be a true Muslim individually. But have you ever wonder how can we do that?
Here's an awesome guide for you! Hope it helps :)
10 Muwassofat Tarbiyah
Have faith in Allah. Believe in all three Tauhid principles:
- Rabb - Allah yang memberi rezeki, yang mencipta dan yang memiliki.
- Malik - Allah ialah raja, pelindung, hakim, pemerintah
- Illah - Allah sahaja yang yang layak disembah sebab Allah yang menciptakan kita.
2) Sahih ibadah
Pastikan ibadah yang kita buat mantap dan sempurna. Amalkan solat awal waktu, sempurna rukun ibadah, jaga pakaian masa solat, ambil wuduk dengan sempurna, dan sebagainya. Tak guna solat kalau tak diterima Allah kan? Especially kalau ambil wuduk tak sempurna, solat 20 rakaat pun belum tentu diterima.
3) Akhlak yang sempurna
Jaga tutur kata, pakaian, jaga mata, lidah, perut. Tundukkan pandangan, elakkan dari mengumpat, dan sebagainya.
4) Berfikiran luas dan terbuka. Dalami ilmu.
Tuntutlah ilmu wahai manusia! Kalau boleh kita kena hebat dalam semua perkara. Tahu Biology, tahu Maths, tahu History, tahu masak, tahu repair kereta rosak, tahu software engineering, for instance. If you are majoring in Physics, it doesn't mean you don't have to learn about Politics. You can be a chef with the knowledge of combating enemy in war. Turun medan perang guna senduk and periuk pun boleh. Barulah awesome kan? Haha. Just kidding. You know what I mean.
5) Tubuh badan yang sihat (Qawiyul jismi)
Bila badan sihat, Insyaallah senang nak beribadah, senang nak berdakwah. Yang paling penting, jaga pemakanan. You are what you eat. So, if you eat beef, you are a cow! Kih kih kih.
6) Individu yang tersusun
Buat kerja tersusun, know how to prioritize. Bilik kemas, rumah tersusun. Precise in doing work. Be an organize Muslim!
Because we are awesome, people always look at us especially yang follow usrah or yang lain sikit dari yang lain. They want to see apa yang special sangat jadi Muslim ni. Tak kisah la sebab diorang nak contohi sifat-sifat baik yang kita ada or diorang nak cari salah kita supaya boleh dijadikan alasan untuk tak turut serta dalam misi dakwah. Both ways, we're being watched!
Tak best la kan kalau orang cakap "Aku tengok budak-budak usrah ni takdela baik sangat. Rumah bersepah je aku tengok. Menggelikan. Studies pun teruk je. Assignment banyak tak hantar. Ape agaknya usrah dia ajar."
So, always show good values that we have as a Muslim. Insyaallah, people will respect us or a lot better, they will join us!
But don't forget. Everything we do is for Allah. Not just because people are watching.
7) Menjaga masa
Be punctual. Be organized. Always provide enough time to do all tasks. Manfaatkan masa yang ada. After all, life is too short to be wasted!
8) Sentiasa bermujahadah dengan diri
Lawan nafsu, lawan hasutan ke arah perkara-perkara tak baik. Kalau susah sangat nak lawan syaitan or hawa nafsu sendiri, panggillah Superman mintak tolong dia lawankan.
Bila Superman datang, dia akan cakap "Berkorbanlah kamu untuk Islam". Masyaallah! Superman pun hamba Allah. Kih kih.
9) Bermanfaat kepada orang lain
Barang yang tak bermanfaat tu macam sampah kan? Takde function. Better buang. So kita nak ke jadi sampah masyarakat? Tak pernah contribute apa-apa untuk orang lain.
Susah sangat ke nak contribute? Insyaallah tak.
Dapat tolong kejut kawan bangun solat Subuh pun dah bagus. Yang paling penting, jangan harapkan pulangan. Dapat infakkan harta pun awesome jugak. Banyak pahala Allah bagi, Insyaallah. Saham syurga! Kalau tak, tolong ajar orang baca Quran, tolong orang belajar Maths dan ilmu-ilmu yang lain, pun boleh.
Insyaallah, pahala berpanjangan.
10) Mampu berusaha/ mampu berdikari.
Jangan terlalu harapkan ibu bapa, kawan-kawan, boyfriend, girlfriend, Mak Teh, Mak Tam, Mak Kuning untuk semua perkara. Usaha sendiri. Grow up!
Contoh: Dalam menuntut ilmu, jangan harapkan ilmu dari lecturer je. Kena cari ilmu sendiri jugak.
If dah ada semua ciri-ciri ni, barulah best nak proceed ke stage Baitul Muslim.
Practice makes perfect. Selamat beramal!
Thursday, March 15, 2012
Islamic Spring Retreat (ISR) 2012 - What We Did, What I Feel and Learn and About Us, Bubbletea In Heaven
Assalamualaikum.. Alhamdulillah, recently Dz, Nik and I (Syira) have been fortunate to be able to join the ISR program at Iowa State University (ISU) from March 12 to March 13. Syira has not met Dz for so long since we flew here to U.S. so I was very excited, since we were roommates and I missed her dearly. :)
From Purdue, we departed with two cars at about 11 am and arrived in Drake University around 8 pm. We stopped and prayed at Kak Atikah's apartment before we proceed with the journey to ISU. When we arrived at the apartment, I was so excited to meet Nik. She came there with Kak Ani and Kak Aziah. We hugged each other and then talked together as though there was nobody else in the room. Hehe. And then, Alhamdulillah, I feel so happy because although it is only for a short while, I get to meet Farah, another one of our usrah members who is in Drake. Unfortunately, Drake's spring break is yet to come so they cannot follow us but still, it was really nice to be able to see her and hug her and have a short gossip with her and Preetha, another one of our housemates. I guess living together in the same house has made us so close but more than that, the ukhwah that was built because of our usrah together has bonded us in this special way. Only Allah SWT knows the excitement and the happiness that we feel when we meet each other. I guess this is what people call 'manisnya ukhwah'. When you love someone because of Allah SWT. :)
After that, we continue our journey and arrived at ISU at about 11 pm. Dz was not home when I arrived at her house. I was so tired so I fell asleep immediately on her bed. And that night the three of us - Nik, Dz and I slept on the same mattress. :) The next morning, we hug each other and say hello for the first time face to face since we arrived in this country. Hehe. And then as usual I talked to Nik and Dz, but not so long because after that we have to get ready and go to the program.
The program was really good. There are participants from four universities: ISU, UIowa, Purdue and Drake. Kak Hanna began the first slot by presenting on Our Fikrah. And then we have a break for zohor prayer and lunch. We had ikan sepat for lunch! Isn't it wonderful. I wonder how they find that fish in U.S. The food was great. But before lunch, we had a taaruf' game. We were asked to write three things about us on a piece of paper and then to crumple it and throw it randomly in the room. The person who pick our papers will have to guess who we are. It was fun playing that and by the end of the game, we know almost everyone in the room. After that we continue with the second session. I sat beside Kak Atikah from Drake that day. And I love talking to her. She knows a lot and she is sweet and confident.
After that, we have a game session outside. We were divided into three groups. We were then asked to put our hands together and then to entangled ourselves and form a circle. Alhamdulillah after much difficulties and try and error, my team, team no 2 won the game. Through this game we learn that as long as we work together we can solve almost any problem even though it seems impossible. After the game session, we had our dinner outside, like a picnic. It was really fun and nice and we eat together in groups in the trays. The menu for the night is rice with chicken soup and cabbage. Again, the food was awesome. Thank you ISU sisters for cooking these delicious food.
After dinner, we perform our Maghrib prayer together and then we continue with the third slot which is Sayonara Jahiliyah with Kak Maryam. After that we return to our places and go to bed. The next morning, we continue with the slot with Kak Maryam. We also have some group discussions on what is considered jahiliyah, those jahiliyah's things that we do and how to solve these problems. After that the program ended. Before we say goodbye, we sat around in a big circle. Each of us was given a piece of paper and was asked to write our names on it. And then we passed around the paper in the circle and each person will have to write down what they think of the person whose name is on the paper. As the circle complete and everyone has written down their impression or thoughts or wishes, we got back our own paper. It was fun to read those thoughts that people have on you. I am really thankful for all the kind and warm wishes. Hope to see everyone again in another program insyaAllah.
And also it was during this circle that I was overwhelmed with emotions. Thank you Nik, for being a shoulder for me to cry on. I have no idea why my tears kept coming down and why I could not speak at the time, but I suppose I just miss you and Dz and us Bubbletea Di Syurga so much. It was embarrassing though, I dislike crying in public but it does not matter anymore. Because it just feel nice to get a hug from you Nik. Hehe. Mengada-ngadakan? Thank you for all the supportive words you kept giving me at the time. InsyaAllah I will remember them and thank you for the hadis you dedicated to me. I already read it. Jzkk. :) I love you fillah nik. And dz, I read your statement in the paper and of course I know which one is for you. Thank you for considering me as your best friend although we are far from each other and do not keep in touch as often as we used to now. It was fun that I get to makan suap2 with you. Hehe. It was fun that we get to sleep together with nik side by side. It was fun cam-whoring with you. Haha. Although rasa macam tak cukup masa je kan the times we spend together but it really meant a lot to me. InsyaAllah ada rezeki we will meet again, eat together again, sleep together again, take picture byk2 lg and do things together because of Him insyaAllah. :)
After that writing down thingy, we perform our zohor prayer together and then is the session to salam2 and say goodbye before we went down for lunch. It was really nice to meet everyone. Although we were there for only like 48 hours but I feel close to everyone somehow. And then after that we have lunch downstairs. I ate on the same table with my usrah sister here Kak Faizah, and with Nik and Dz and their usrah sister Kak Ani. It's like kind of awkward and funny at the same time. Some mixture of the old usrah group and the new usrah group. Haha. I dunno how to say it but I suppose Dz and Nik will know what I mean. But that was our farewell lunch. And after that we have to say goodbye. Kak Ani and I got a surprise gift from Dz, a keychain with ISU logo on it. Aww.. thank you my dear ex-roommie. <3 :D But I won't forget your promise: "this is all for now but there's more to come!" hehe. I'm waiting for more. LOL. Just kidding. I don't need more, I only need you to be happy and to keep on fighting in this path. See you in Jannah Dz, insyaAllah like you wrote on my paper. :)
After that, I walk around the lake while waiting for our car with my fellow Purdue sisters. We take some pictures. They actually got a lake! How nice! I wish Purdue has one. Okay, Syira, stop it. Be thankful with what you have. Huhu. Anyway, then we headed back to Purdue. Well, not really. We went to Drake first to send Kak Atikah. And before that we stopped by at a mall in Des Moines for a short while. It was a beautiful mall and it was fun the time that I got to spend with the kakak2 Purdue, and then we sit down and just eat ice-creams. Just normal stuffs but I appreciate every second of it. I am so gonna miss them. This is the last semester for most of them and they will be graduating in May. I wish I can spend more time with these kind sisters but of course this is life and I need to be strong and learn to move on. :) And I need to learn as much as I can from them before they leave. Oh, and one sweet thing is.. hehe.. Kak Faizah my usrah sister saw me crying at Nik earlier and she said, "Syahirah, if you have anything don't keep it to yourself. Share with us." Oh.. although I feel embarrased that people had seen me crying.. haha.. but I dunno why I'm not embarrased now to tell it here to the whole world.. haha.. okay, anyway, it was sweet.. that's why if any of you readers have not join usrah, go ahead. I meant it. It's great to have kakak usrah coz they will worry for you although I was just crying ngada2 kot mse tu. Entahla sbenanya tak tau nape. Haha.But they will be willing to hear you anyway. And at the same time when you have your usrah group, friendship tu lg sweet and you can support one another. <3 Bestkan? :D
Okay, then after the mall, we send Kak Atikah back home, pray there and we continue our journey. Somehow the journey back feels much longer than the journey when we came to Iowa. Maybe because it was already night by then and we were so tired and sleepy. But I decided to stay awake to accompany Kak Maryam when she drive. I love accompanying people driving at night. I don't really know why but I love talking to these kakak2 when they drive at night maybe because I could talk to them personally and learn a lot from them while everyone else is sleeping. Hehe. :)
Okay, so it was already subuh when we arrived at Purdue. Alhamdulillah we have a safe journey back. It was a great program and I have learn a lot from it and also throughout the journey because we have done a lot of sharing along the way as well. Alhamdulillah, may this knowledge we gain could help us in our life till the end. I wish all Bubbletea Di Syurga members could have gone but time and distance does not allow some of us to be there. But it is okay, insyaAllah wherever we are we will always join any tarbiyyah that we can and we will keep on fighting in this path in our own ways. I miss my group but I know we each have our own responsibilities and obligations. May Allah SWT guide us always and may we see each other again, sit drinking the most delicious bubbletea ever in Jannah. I love you fillah Nik, Dz, Farah, Emi, Fatin. :)
From Purdue, we departed with two cars at about 11 am and arrived in Drake University around 8 pm. We stopped and prayed at Kak Atikah's apartment before we proceed with the journey to ISU. When we arrived at the apartment, I was so excited to meet Nik. She came there with Kak Ani and Kak Aziah. We hugged each other and then talked together as though there was nobody else in the room. Hehe. And then, Alhamdulillah, I feel so happy because although it is only for a short while, I get to meet Farah, another one of our usrah members who is in Drake. Unfortunately, Drake's spring break is yet to come so they cannot follow us but still, it was really nice to be able to see her and hug her and have a short gossip with her and Preetha, another one of our housemates. I guess living together in the same house has made us so close but more than that, the ukhwah that was built because of our usrah together has bonded us in this special way. Only Allah SWT knows the excitement and the happiness that we feel when we meet each other. I guess this is what people call 'manisnya ukhwah'. When you love someone because of Allah SWT. :)
After that, we continue our journey and arrived at ISU at about 11 pm. Dz was not home when I arrived at her house. I was so tired so I fell asleep immediately on her bed. And that night the three of us - Nik, Dz and I slept on the same mattress. :) The next morning, we hug each other and say hello for the first time face to face since we arrived in this country. Hehe. And then as usual I talked to Nik and Dz, but not so long because after that we have to get ready and go to the program.
The program was really good. There are participants from four universities: ISU, UIowa, Purdue and Drake. Kak Hanna began the first slot by presenting on Our Fikrah. And then we have a break for zohor prayer and lunch. We had ikan sepat for lunch! Isn't it wonderful. I wonder how they find that fish in U.S. The food was great. But before lunch, we had a taaruf' game. We were asked to write three things about us on a piece of paper and then to crumple it and throw it randomly in the room. The person who pick our papers will have to guess who we are. It was fun playing that and by the end of the game, we know almost everyone in the room. After that we continue with the second session. I sat beside Kak Atikah from Drake that day. And I love talking to her. She knows a lot and she is sweet and confident.
After that, we have a game session outside. We were divided into three groups. We were then asked to put our hands together and then to entangled ourselves and form a circle. Alhamdulillah after much difficulties and try and error, my team, team no 2 won the game. Through this game we learn that as long as we work together we can solve almost any problem even though it seems impossible. After the game session, we had our dinner outside, like a picnic. It was really fun and nice and we eat together in groups in the trays. The menu for the night is rice with chicken soup and cabbage. Again, the food was awesome. Thank you ISU sisters for cooking these delicious food.
After dinner, we perform our Maghrib prayer together and then we continue with the third slot which is Sayonara Jahiliyah with Kak Maryam. After that we return to our places and go to bed. The next morning, we continue with the slot with Kak Maryam. We also have some group discussions on what is considered jahiliyah, those jahiliyah's things that we do and how to solve these problems. After that the program ended. Before we say goodbye, we sat around in a big circle. Each of us was given a piece of paper and was asked to write our names on it. And then we passed around the paper in the circle and each person will have to write down what they think of the person whose name is on the paper. As the circle complete and everyone has written down their impression or thoughts or wishes, we got back our own paper. It was fun to read those thoughts that people have on you. I am really thankful for all the kind and warm wishes. Hope to see everyone again in another program insyaAllah.
And also it was during this circle that I was overwhelmed with emotions. Thank you Nik, for being a shoulder for me to cry on. I have no idea why my tears kept coming down and why I could not speak at the time, but I suppose I just miss you and Dz and us Bubbletea Di Syurga so much. It was embarrassing though, I dislike crying in public but it does not matter anymore. Because it just feel nice to get a hug from you Nik. Hehe. Mengada-ngadakan? Thank you for all the supportive words you kept giving me at the time. InsyaAllah I will remember them and thank you for the hadis you dedicated to me. I already read it. Jzkk. :) I love you fillah nik. And dz, I read your statement in the paper and of course I know which one is for you. Thank you for considering me as your best friend although we are far from each other and do not keep in touch as often as we used to now. It was fun that I get to makan suap2 with you. Hehe. It was fun that we get to sleep together with nik side by side. It was fun cam-whoring with you. Haha. Although rasa macam tak cukup masa je kan the times we spend together but it really meant a lot to me. InsyaAllah ada rezeki we will meet again, eat together again, sleep together again, take picture byk2 lg and do things together because of Him insyaAllah. :)
After that writing down thingy, we perform our zohor prayer together and then is the session to salam2 and say goodbye before we went down for lunch. It was really nice to meet everyone. Although we were there for only like 48 hours but I feel close to everyone somehow. And then after that we have lunch downstairs. I ate on the same table with my usrah sister here Kak Faizah, and with Nik and Dz and their usrah sister Kak Ani. It's like kind of awkward and funny at the same time. Some mixture of the old usrah group and the new usrah group. Haha. I dunno how to say it but I suppose Dz and Nik will know what I mean. But that was our farewell lunch. And after that we have to say goodbye. Kak Ani and I got a surprise gift from Dz, a keychain with ISU logo on it. Aww.. thank you my dear ex-roommie. <3 :D But I won't forget your promise: "this is all for now but there's more to come!" hehe. I'm waiting for more. LOL. Just kidding. I don't need more, I only need you to be happy and to keep on fighting in this path. See you in Jannah Dz, insyaAllah like you wrote on my paper. :)
After that, I walk around the lake while waiting for our car with my fellow Purdue sisters. We take some pictures. They actually got a lake! How nice! I wish Purdue has one. Okay, Syira, stop it. Be thankful with what you have. Huhu. Anyway, then we headed back to Purdue. Well, not really. We went to Drake first to send Kak Atikah. And before that we stopped by at a mall in Des Moines for a short while. It was a beautiful mall and it was fun the time that I got to spend with the kakak2 Purdue, and then we sit down and just eat ice-creams. Just normal stuffs but I appreciate every second of it. I am so gonna miss them. This is the last semester for most of them and they will be graduating in May. I wish I can spend more time with these kind sisters but of course this is life and I need to be strong and learn to move on. :) And I need to learn as much as I can from them before they leave. Oh, and one sweet thing is.. hehe.. Kak Faizah my usrah sister saw me crying at Nik earlier and she said, "Syahirah, if you have anything don't keep it to yourself. Share with us." Oh.. although I feel embarrased that people had seen me crying.. haha.. but I dunno why I'm not embarrased now to tell it here to the whole world.. haha.. okay, anyway, it was sweet.. that's why if any of you readers have not join usrah, go ahead. I meant it. It's great to have kakak usrah coz they will worry for you although I was just crying ngada2 kot mse tu. Entahla sbenanya tak tau nape. Haha.But they will be willing to hear you anyway. And at the same time when you have your usrah group, friendship tu lg sweet and you can support one another. <3 Bestkan? :D
Okay, then after the mall, we send Kak Atikah back home, pray there and we continue our journey. Somehow the journey back feels much longer than the journey when we came to Iowa. Maybe because it was already night by then and we were so tired and sleepy. But I decided to stay awake to accompany Kak Maryam when she drive. I love accompanying people driving at night. I don't really know why but I love talking to these kakak2 when they drive at night maybe because I could talk to them personally and learn a lot from them while everyone else is sleeping. Hehe. :)
Okay, so it was already subuh when we arrived at Purdue. Alhamdulillah we have a safe journey back. It was a great program and I have learn a lot from it and also throughout the journey because we have done a lot of sharing along the way as well. Alhamdulillah, may this knowledge we gain could help us in our life till the end. I wish all Bubbletea Di Syurga members could have gone but time and distance does not allow some of us to be there. But it is okay, insyaAllah wherever we are we will always join any tarbiyyah that we can and we will keep on fighting in this path in our own ways. I miss my group but I know we each have our own responsibilities and obligations. May Allah SWT guide us always and may we see each other again, sit drinking the most delicious bubbletea ever in Jannah. I love you fillah Nik, Dz, Farah, Emi, Fatin. :)
Islamic Spring Retreat (ISR) 2012 Part 2 - Sayonara Jahiliyah
Now that we have understand Our Fikrah, the next thing for us to do is to say Sayonara to Jahiliyah. Sayonara is a Japanese language. It means goodbye. Jahiliyah means anything that is opposite to Islam. So, Sayonara Jahiliyah means bidding farewell to any elements that is not Islam. Our next presenter was Kak Maryam, also from Purdue University. (Syira: yeay Purdue! hehe.. :P). So here are the details that we gain from the talk.
O you who have believed, enter into Islam completely [and perfectly] and do not follow the footsteps of Satan. Indeed, he is to you a clear enemy.
[He] who created death and life to test you [as to] which of you is best in deed - and He is the Exalted in Might, the Forgiving -
A mukmin wil never ever be willing to live and die except in iman. It does not occur to him or her to recite the kalimah syahadah other than as a swear to leave jahiliyah forever.
This reality can be felt from the hadis of Prophet Muhammad PBUH (Bukhari, chapter Halawatul Iman):
There are three things that if a man posses he could feel the sweetness of iman:
1) the love to Allah SWT and His Prophet PBUH more than anything else
2) the love to his own brothers
3) the hate to return to ignorant and sins and the hate to be thrown into hellfire
Syed Kutub: You will never feel the sweetness of iman as long as you do not struggle to gain it.
Two Different People
The difference between a mukmin and non-mukmin has been depicted in a lot of Allah's wors, among which is (47:1-3):
Those who disbelieve and hinder men from the way of Allah — He renders their works vain. But as for those who believe and do good works and believe in that which has been revealed to Muhammad — and it is the truth from their Lord — He removes from them their sins and improves their condition. That is because those who disbelieve follow falsehood while those who believe follow the truth from their Lord. Thus does Allah set forth for men their similitudes.
This difference does not lies in the aqidah only BUT also in ubudiah, practice, behavior, vision, the questions that become their attentions, hobbies, feelings, emotions and also the life manhaj that they practice.
Leaving Jahiliyah
Thus, it is not enough for each mukmin to declare that he is believing in Allah SWT and His Prophet PBUH, but it has become his obligations to shape himself and his life with the Islamic manhaj. He must leave jahiliyah totally. This is because Islam does not accept the mixture between the two (2:208):
Leaving jahiliyah must be done by:
1) Strong Aqidah
Each Muslim must ensure that their aqidah is right and strong and not lacking or extra in anything. The cleanliness of aqidah is the main separator between him and jahiliyah.There are four kinds of aqidah:
- weak & okay - for instance, we recite the kalimah syahadah, admit that we are Muslims but we do not dress like one
- weak & not okay - apply to non-Muslims who are not good believers
- strong & not okay - for example, a believer of other religions who fast and pray diligently but does not worship Allah SWT
- strong & okay - e.g.: a pious Muslim
To prevent a problem, we must prevent it from its sources. For example, Kak Maryam gave us an analogy of a tree that grows in the middle of a road. At first, the tree was small thus nobody bothers to remove it because it does not disturb the traffic. However, the tree soon grew tall and begin to sprout its branches and cause disturbance to the traffic. So people began cutting its branches but the tree was still there and keep on growing its branches and disturbing the road traffic. The only way to ensure that the traffic will be smooth is to cut down the tree or pull it all together with its roots. This is how a problem can be overcome entirely.
2) The Right Ibadah
Al-Fudhail bin Iyadh when describing Allah's words (67:2):
Take note of the sentence "which of you is best in deed". This also means "those of you who is most sincere and most correct in their practice and deeds". He explains: "Any deeds if done sincerely but not correctly, it is rejected. And so is any deeds that is done correctly but not sincerely. It is also rejected. Until those deeds are done sincerely and correctly.. then it is accepted. The meaning of deeds done sincerely is doing a deed because of Allah whereas a deed done correctly is a deed done according to Sunnah.
3) Pure Morals
Morals is one of the separator for a mukmin from jahiliyah. There are a lot of Allah's words and Hadis that stress on mukmin to leave jahiliyah's behavior, among them are:
- tabarruj al-jahiliyah (33:33): You shall settle down in your homes, and do not mingle with the people excessively, like you used to do in the old days of ignorance. You shall observe the Contact Prayers (Salat), and give the obligatory charity (Zakat), and obey GOD and His messenger. GODwishes to remove all unholiness from you, O you who live around the Sacred Shrine, and to purify you completely.
- hamiyah (spirit of) jahiliyah (48:26): When those who disbelieved had put into their hearts chauvinism - the chauvinism of the time of ignorance. But Allah sent down His tranquillity upon His Messenger and upon the believers and imposed upon them the word of righteousness, and they were more deserving of it and worthy of it. And ever is Allah , of all things, Knowing.
- assumption of jahiliyah (3:154): And the disbelievers planned, but Allah planned. And Allah is the best of planners
- judgement of jahiliyah (5:50): Then is it the judgement of [the time of] ignorance they desire? But who is better than Allah in judgement for a people who are certain [in faith].
- asobiah jahiliyah (see Hadis Muslim's attachment).
This cannot be achieved by reading alone but requires mujahadah and continuous practice.
4) The Straight Life Manhaj
As-Syatibi said: "Allah SWT has limited something into two: Revelation which are syariat and Hawa. There is not third kind other than the two." (Al-Muwafaqat: 2/121)
Mukmin has only two choices syariat or hawa which can lead to digression. It has become his obligation to live on the Islamic manhaj and its syariat only (6:153):
And, [moreover], this is My path, which is straight, so follow it; and do not follow [other] ways, for you will be separated from His way. This has He instructed you that you may become righteous.
5) The True Wala'
Allah SWT has determine the border line for wala' mukmin to three parties only (5:55):
Your ally is none but Allah and [therefore] His Messenger and those who have believed - those who establish prayer and give zakah, and they bow [in worship].
Allah SWT has also forbidden a mukmin to give away his wala' to non-mukmin (4:144):
O Ye who believe! take not infidels for friends, instead of believers. Would ye give Allah against you a manifest warranty!
Dr. Ali Abdul Halim Mahmud (Tarbiah an-Naasyi' al-Muslim) has given a few meanings of wala' which are:
- Al- Qurb (approaching)
- Al-Nusrah (helping)
- Al-Mahabbah (loving)
Based on these definitions, each mukmin has to work on approaching Allah SWT, His Prophet PBUH and mukminin, to help and to love them.
How is wala' applied?
a) Wala' to Allah
- To worship ONLY Allah SWT
- To love Allah SWT more than yourself and and everything (families, homes, properties, etc 5:24)
- Referring to Allah SWT in every wants, action and silence; when alone and when with others
- Faithful in the syariat brought by His Prophet PBUH
- Believe that His manhaj is the only true manhaj and could not be exchanged, and then to fight and work on realizing all aspects of lives
- Putting ghayah 'vision' in all efforts because of Allah
b) Wala' to the Prophet
- Because Allah's Prophet PBUH is the messenger to Allah SWT, thus his wala' done the same way as the wala' to Allah SWT.
c) Wala' to the mukminin
- Making akidah as the core tie (not ancestry, skin's color, country, economic benefit, social or politics).
- No toleration and compromise in the problem of aqidah and the rules of life between mukmin and non-mukmin. Toleration only exist in individual muamalat problems.
- Bein concern with mukminin matters and helping them facing their problems and the planning of the Islam enemies.
- Loving mukminin because of Allah SWT, as long as they are faithful to Allah SWT
- Persuading to goodness and preventing mungkar and leaving parties in which sins are being done
- Cooperating in takwa matters and goodness
- Helping any mukmin sof besides weakening and eliminating all jahili sof.
Alhamdulillah, the ISR ends here. I am sorry if there are certain things which are not clear or hard to understand. Feel free to ask here or to refer to you usrah sisters/ brothers, insyaAllah they can help. I am still new in this and there are still so much for me to learn.
All the good things come from Allah SWT and all the weakness and the bad come from me. May Allah SWT bless all of you readers of this blog, insyaAllah. :)
Islamic Spring Retreat (ISR) 2012 Part 1
Assalamualaikum to all readers and followers. First of all, on behalf of our usrah group Bubbletea di Syurga (translated: Bubbletea in Heaven) we would like to apologize for having leave this page unattended for a while. We have recently take a break from our online usrah and starting anew with our land usrah with new usrah sisters from our distinctive areas. We are still adjusting but alhamdulillah, everything is going on well now and insyaAllah, though we are in different2 groups now we will still update on this page and try to share as much as we can about what we have learn from our usrahs and the islamic programs that we have follow here in the land of America. :) And as a new way of spreading dakwah to attract more people around the world, we have decided that we are going to try to write this blog in English. We might mix it sometimes between Malay and English. Hopefully this will work as well. Since this is my first try in English, in the name of Allah, Most Merciful, Most Gracious, let's begin this. :)
As the title suggests, this new post is going to be about the recent ISR that 3 of our usrah members have attended. Alhamdulillah, we are currently having a one week spring break and Nik, Dz and I (Syira) have joined the ISR which was held at Iowa State University from March 12, 2012 to March 13, 2012. It was a really good program and we have all learnt a lot from it. We will try to share as much as we can from it and hopefully the message will get to all of you as well, insyaAllah.
Our first talk was titled "Our Fikrah" and it was presented by Kak Hana from Purdue University. The Islamic Fikrah, or our Fikrah is the teachings of Allah which is syamil, kamil and mutakamil. It covers all aspects of a mukmin's life.
Definitions and analogies:
Syamil - complete. Islam is complete. It covers all aspects of our lives.
Kamil - perfect. Islam is perfect. Everything that it covers, are the best and perfect. For instance, we can say that all politics such as republican, democrat etc are complete. They all have a leader, and all the leaders have their helpers and so on. But the politics that follow the way of Islam is the best. Likewise someone who wears a top, a bottom and shoes can say he or she has dress completely. But the dress code that is taught by Islam is the best.
Mutakamil - completing/perfecting each other. For instance, we cannot just take one aspect of Islam to follow but we must implement Islam in all aspects. Let's say we have a country. The country could not just implement Islamic law, but the country must also implement Islamic education, Islamic politics and everything else that Islam covers.
This is Islam, the Addeen that is brought down by Allah SWT and brought by our Prophet Muhammad P.B.U.H. It was practiced during the early ages of Islam. Allah S.W.T. has explained about the perfection of Islam in His words (5:3):
This day I have perfected for you your religion and completed My favor upon you and have approved for you Islam as religion.
Because Dienul Islam is perfect thus we cannot add or lessen (abasa, qul).
In the Quran, Allah SWT has deliver a surah Abasa (80) in order to remind our Prophet Muhammad PBUH not to make a sour face or look away from the poor people. The whole surah basically is a reminder for him but Muhammad PBUH do not hide nor keep the surah a secret. It is His obligation as a Prophet to deliver it to his ummah and he did so faithfully, without adding or deleting any part of the surah. The same goes in all the surahs that started with Qul. Qul means "Say".(Say o' Muhammad). Although it is a word of order for him to tell others he includes it all when he received the revelation from Gabriel. Thus when we recite the Quran we will read the word "Say" to and this way we too, could feel the obligation to deliver what we have recited to others.
In the Quran, it is mentioned that when we embrace Islam, we must embrace it fully (2:208):
The same goes that we cannot take one without the other. This is also mentioned in the Quran (2:85):
Then, you are those [same ones who are] killing one another and evicting a party of your people from their homes, cooperating against them in sin and aggression. And if they come to you as captives, you ransom them, although their eviction was forbidden to you. So do you believe in part of the Scripture and disbelieve in part? Then what is the recompense for those who do that among you except disgrace in worldly life; and on the Day of Resurrection they will be sent back to the severest of punishment. And Allah is not unaware of what you do.
Thus, we have to realize that we are followers and worshiper of the Dienul Islam and we declare ourselves as servant of Allah and we are not the creator of Dien. Therefore we are the ones who have to adapt to Islam.
And it is not that Islam must be in sync with our taste, our wants and our society wants like that of Allah's words (6:116):
And if you obey most of those upon the earth, they will mislead you from the way of Allah . They follow not except assumption, and they are not but falsifying.
Our value is that of Islam, that is the value that has been determined by Allah SWT and applied by Prophet Muhammad P.B.U.H. Thus, we must always be faithful to our Islamic syari'ah. Allah says (4:65):
But no, by thy Lord, they can have no real faith until they make thee judge in all disputes between them and find in their souls no resistance against thy decisions but accept them with fullest conviction.
The Islamic tasawwur must be understood correctly. We must be jiddiah (serious) in understanding Islam and not mix it with other ismes. At this point, Kak Hana shared with us the tale of Umar (Al-Khattab) and the Torah's pieces (Kasyful Musykil: 1:708). Umar is very good at reading. Torah can be found in Madinah. That is why in Madinah the people know that a prophet will be sent to them. The Jews in Palestine thought that this prophet would have been from among them, just as Moses has been. Anyway, back to the story, Umar sat down and read the Torah. That was when Prophet Muhammad PBUH passed by him and asked him what he was doing. Then Umar asked him, "Are you the prophet?". Thus Prophet Muhammad PBUH replied, "If Moses is here at this time, I am certain that even he would have follow me".
Thus we must know Islam and Jahiliyah, know Islam to apply and know jahiliyah to avoid. We have to know each look, shape and tactic of jahiliyah in order to avoid it. Only through this can we tell which is Islam and which is not.
We must also know the reality and what is named and what is not named so that we will not misunderstand. For instance holding a charity concert. Although doing charity is good deed, but the way of doing it, by holding a concert is not right or jahiliyah. In understanding Islam and its reality, we are lacking in knowledge. This is why we needed jamaa'ah (doing things together). We certainly do not have the same knowledge but through harakah (group discussion) we could overcome this.
The same goes, we cannot accept something that is not Islam and easily get influenced by interesting terms or techniques or slogans like: for the sake of development, for the sake of modernization, etc. In this matter we must put forward Islamic fikrah clearly and make a stance for Islamic's teachings to the society.
A muslim must not eliminate even one Islamic fikrah from his/her thoughts. Our fikrah is the deen that is determined by Allah SWT. The Addeen meant here is not the Addeen that is translated into religion, as understood by most people.
The purity of Islam can only be seen from its original source which are Al-Quran and Al-Hadith and also mutabar ulama' and mujahid. Allah has given us the final word and the choice to believe or not, like mentioned in His words (18:29):
And say, "The truth is from your Lord, so whoever wills - let him believe; and whoever wills - let him disbelieve." Indeed, We have prepared for the wrongdoers a fire whose walls will surround them.
We must think forward and far till the day of dooms. Because we don't know where our place is, whether in heaven or in hell. Because of this ignorant we must also have fear and hope. Fear is for recognizing it and hope for those who practice.
Our effort towards Islam must be at all times and not in formal events only. For that to happen we must have al-wa'yu al Islamiyy (Islamic awareness) . It is not the same as Islamic knowledge. In the effort to gain 'Islamic awareness' we need patience and determination. Someone who have 'Islamic awareness' can easily feel and is sensitive to anything that is opposing Islam. That is why we need education and 'tarbiyyah'. 'Tarbiyyah' which can give birth to syakhsiyyah or the true Muslim personality.
A Muslim mujahid, Al-Ustaz Fathi Yakan said that the development of sahsiyyah can only be shaped in a certain environment which is far from jahiliyah attractions. For instance through halaqah, usrah, ijtima' etc.
Islamic knowledge must be processed and edited through iman or tarbiyyah iman till the awareness can be born and people are willing to practice Islam faithfully. Fikrah awareness only is not enough but we must iltizam with Islam. This means that wherever we are, we take Islam with us. This also means that our personality, our character, our behavior will all reflect Islam.. Islam become our blood and meat.
However, we must not deny that in that process there will still be leftovers of the jahiliyah's rusts (rawasib jahiliyah). There is this one tale that could relate to this.Abu Zar r.a. is a close friend of the Prophet PBUH and has learn a lot from him. He has a lot of knowledge in Islam. But he has called Bilal r.a. with the name 'Ibnu Assauda' (dear son of a black woman). Bilal told Prophet Muhammad PBUH about this and the Prophet then called Abu Dzar and told him that he still has the leftover of jahiliyah. The Prophet then asked Bilal to step on Abud Dzar's cheeks. This shows that even though Abu Dzar is close to the Propeht PBUH and learn from him, he is still jahil (ignorant).
Thus Islam should be our guidance in doing anything whether it is doing good or leaving the forbidden. Never be guided by group's priority, profession, position, stars etc.
The process of imaniyyah tarbiyah is such way and it is very important in shaping a mu'min.
Alhamdulillah part 1 of our ISR ends here. InsyaAllah the next part titled Sayonara Jahiliyah will follow after this.
Thursday, January 26, 2012
Ciri-ciri Pendakwah melalui tafsiran surah Yaasin
Speaker:Ustaz Hasanuddin Yunus
Ciri-ciri pendakwah mengikut tafsiran surah Yaasin.(Yaasin:13-30)
Surah Yaasin ini menceritakan tentang pendakwah-pendakwah terdahulu.
13:Dan buatlah satu perumpamaan bagi mereka, yaitu penduduk satu negeri, ketika utusan-utusan datang kepada mereka.
14:Yaitu ketika Kami mengutus kepada mereka dua org utusan, lalu mereka mendustakan keduanya,kemudian kami kuatkan dengan utusan yang ketiga, maka yang ketiga(utusan) itu berkata,'Sungguh kami adalah orang-orang yang diutus kepada kamu.'
15:Maka (penduduk negeri) menjawab,'Kamu hanyalah manusia seperti kami, dan Allah Yang Maha Pengasih tidak menurunkan satu apa pun, kamu hanyalah pendusta belaka'.
16:Tuhan kami mengetahui bahawa sesungguhnya kami adalah utusan-utusanNya kepada kamu.
17:Dan kewajiban kami hanyalah menyampaikan perintah Allah dengan jelas'.
18:Mereka menjawab sesungguhnya kami bernasib malang kerana kamu,Sungguh jika kamu tidak berhenti (menyeru kami), niscaya Kami rejam kamu dan kamu pasti akan merasakan siksaan yang pedih dari kami.
19:Mereka utusan-utusan itu berkata, 'Kemalangan kamu adalah kerana kamu sendiri.Apakan kerana kamu telah diberi peringatan?Sebenarnya kamu adalah kaum yang melampaui batas'.
Alkisahnya terdapat satu kaum yang Allah telah utuskan beberapa pendakwah yang sangat degil dan sentiasa menolak ajaran dan peringatan yang telah diberi oleh utusan-utusan Allah(in this case pendakwah2 yang kita maksudkan sekejap lagi).Setelah beberapa kali dihantar utusan pon, kaum ini tetap dengan degil mendustakan peringatan2 yang dibawa.Pada satu hari datang seorng dari hujung kota, yang ramai musafir mengatakan bernama Habib An-Najar.
20:Dan datanglah laki-laki dari hujung kota, seorang laki-laki dengan bergegas dia berkata 'Wahai kaumku ikutilah utusan-utusan itu.
21:Ikutilah orang yang tidak meminta imbalankepadaMu dan mereka adalah orang-orang yang mendapati petunjuk.
22:Dan tidak ada alasan bagiku untuk tidak menyembah Allah yang telah menciptakanku dan hanya kepadaNyalah kamu dikembalikan.
13:Dan buatlah satu perumpamaan bagi mereka, yaitu penduduk satu negeri, ketika utusan-utusan datang kepada mereka.
14:Yaitu ketika Kami mengutus kepada mereka dua org utusan, lalu mereka mendustakan keduanya,kemudian kami kuatkan dengan utusan yang ketiga, maka yang ketiga(utusan) itu berkata,'Sungguh kami adalah orang-orang yang diutus kepada kamu.'
15:Maka (penduduk negeri) menjawab,'Kamu hanyalah manusia seperti kami, dan Allah Yang Maha Pengasih tidak menurunkan satu apa pun, kamu hanyalah pendusta belaka'.
16:Tuhan kami mengetahui bahawa sesungguhnya kami adalah utusan-utusanNya kepada kamu.
17:Dan kewajiban kami hanyalah menyampaikan perintah Allah dengan jelas'.
18:Mereka menjawab sesungguhnya kami bernasib malang kerana kamu,Sungguh jika kamu tidak berhenti (menyeru kami), niscaya Kami rejam kamu dan kamu pasti akan merasakan siksaan yang pedih dari kami.
19:Mereka utusan-utusan itu berkata, 'Kemalangan kamu adalah kerana kamu sendiri.Apakan kerana kamu telah diberi peringatan?Sebenarnya kamu adalah kaum yang melampaui batas'.
Alkisahnya terdapat satu kaum yang Allah telah utuskan beberapa pendakwah yang sangat degil dan sentiasa menolak ajaran dan peringatan yang telah diberi oleh utusan-utusan Allah(in this case pendakwah2 yang kita maksudkan sekejap lagi).Setelah beberapa kali dihantar utusan pon, kaum ini tetap dengan degil mendustakan peringatan2 yang dibawa.Pada satu hari datang seorng dari hujung kota, yang ramai musafir mengatakan bernama Habib An-Najar.
20:Dan datanglah laki-laki dari hujung kota, seorang laki-laki dengan bergegas dia berkata 'Wahai kaumku ikutilah utusan-utusan itu.
21:Ikutilah orang yang tidak meminta imbalankepadaMu dan mereka adalah orang-orang yang mendapati petunjuk.
22:Dan tidak ada alasan bagiku untuk tidak menyembah Allah yang telah menciptakanku dan hanya kepadaNyalah kamu dikembalikan.
Habib An-Najar ni orang biasa, datang dari tempat yang tidak
diketahui.Unlike pendakwah-pendakwah sebelumnya yang biasanya datang dari
tempat-tempat yang terkenal,dan biasanya pemimpin/pendakwah merupakan orang
yang formally dilantik,daripada kalangan bangsawan dan dikagumi, Habib
merupakan orang yang tidak terkenal,
menunjukkan contradiction kepada pendakwah-pendakwah sebelumnya.Habib
sanggup travel jauh2 daripada satu tempat yang tidak diketahui,dengan
tergesa-gesa datang kepada kaumnya untuk memberitahu bahawa utusan-utusan itu
tidak berdusta.Daripada sini kita dapati ciri-ciri yang terdapat pada Habib
An-Najar ialah dia seorang yang
Walaupun daripada tempat yang jauh,
dia setkan niat dan cuba juga untuk memberitahu kaumnya supaya beriman.Kedua,
kita dapati Habib..
2)menggunakan lafaz yang jelas dan tegas, mengatakan tidak
ada alasan yang untuk dia tidak menyembah Allah yang telah
Habib adalah org yang tidak terkenal.Oleh itu, pendakwah
tidak semestinya menjadi orang yang terkenal atau orang yang tahu
segalanya.Ingat, Nabi Muhammad berdakwah sebelum mendapat semua
3)Daripada kisah ni, kita dapati yang Habib Ab-Najar bkn sahaja
mengajar tapi juga ad sifat ittibak(mengikut, ikut, pengikut).
Dlm erti kata
lain Habib An-Najar juga mengikut utusan-utusan
yang lain yang telah diutus itu.Ni bermakna sebagai pemimpin kita bkn
sahaja kena menjadi pemimpin tetapi juga kena belajar menjadi pengikut kepada
orang yang lebih arif
.4)Menggunakan bahasa sendiri.
Pendakwah jugak perlu pandai
mengunakan bahasa sendiri untk berbual
dengan Allah dan juga manusia.Dlm kisah ni, pendakwah ...
5)Tidak meminta
Sebagai contoh, Nabi sengaja dilantik dari kalangan orang yang miskin
untuk menunjukkan yang Nabi tidak ada kepentingan individual.Nabi bukan mahukan
harta kekayaan dan pangkat seperti bagaimana pemimpin-pemimpin
6)Sanggup berkorban.
Seorang pendakwah mestilah sanggup berkorban dan
sanggup berpenat-penat dan mengeluarkan titisan-titisan peluh, titisan air mata
atau titisan darah apabila diperlukan.
7)Pandai bercerita.
Seperti yang kita semua
tahu, seorang pemimpin biasanya seorang yang pandai berkata-kata.(Obama cnthnya
is a good orator).Melalui kemahiran bercakap, orang akan lebih mudah
terpengaruh dengan kata-kata kita.Contohnya dalam kisah ni, Habib Ab-Najar
menceritakan tentang kisah hidupnya yang
dahulu berada dalam jahiliyah dahulu sebelum memberi peringatan untuk menarik
perhatian orang terhadap dirinya dahulu.
Ciri-ciri pendakwah yang dijelaskan sgt penting dlm
menjadikan Islam sebagai
Mehwar imani
Mehwar suluki/akhlak
Mehwar da’wi
Mehwar tanzimi- kepimpinan yg btul
Mehwar sya’bi-masyarakat n org rmai
Mehwar siasi- politik
Mehwar daulah- Negara
Mehwar jihadi
36:23- pendakwah mngemukakan persoalan kpd org unt mmbuat
perbandingan ttg dri pndkwh tu sndiri coz org suka wat or tgk comparison with
org lain. Cara brtanya pn kna ade seni.
Habib An Najar started with explanation ttg sifat Allah yg
A-rRahman, ar-Rahim unt memujuk and tawakal pd Allah. Compare dua ayat ni, give
the same meaning tp different approach:
1. Jika Allah yg Maha pngasih mngenakan bencana ke arahku, pasti pertolongan mereka tidak berguna sama sekali (memujuk)
2. Buatlah ape2 ke atas ku, Allah akn tolong aku (mencabar)
cara dia convince org: aku beriman kpd tuhanmu, nak convince org yg
tuhan yg disembah tu tuhan kita, not just tuhan aku. Org akn brpk, dia
pn mngakui tuhan aku, knapa aku xmnyembah tuhan aku sendiri?
Memilih pkara yg nkckp so that org trtaril, so make sure org dgr ape yg kite nk ckp
‘dikatakn kpdnya, ‘masuklh syurga, die berkata,’alangkah baiknye if
kaumku mengetahui’- bila Habib meninggal dunia, die dibunuh
(digergaji/dibakar), die mndoakan unt kaumnye ‘allah berikanlah hidayah
kpd kaumku, allah baikilah kaumku. Mndoakan kebaikan org yg brbuat jahat
pd kita.Nilah keunikan jiwa pendakwah kita/Islam-hati sntiasa bersih n
kasih syg. Walaupun habib dh masuk syurga, but still xrase happy n
seolah2 nk kmbali kt dunia, nk bgtau kaum nye yg die dh di reward, n nk
slamatkn org yg still di dunia.
36:27- nk mnunjukkan yg allah mmberi peluang unt org yg brtaubat wlaupn at first kite jahil.
hukuman yg Allah berikan pd kaum Habib, allah xmenilai kejayaan kte, tp
allah mnilai effort. Hadis Qudsi:wahai mailkat2 ku, pergilah pd
hambaku, berikan kesusahan sesusah-susahnye, kepayahan
sepayah-payahye,(so that kte mndekatkn diri dgn pencipta kite) aku sgt
gemar unt mndengar tangisan hambaku; allah nk mndekatkan diri kte dgn
Nya. (MasyaAllah!)
36:29- allah menurunkan sepasukan team dr langit, binasa nye kaum Habib dgn just one jeritan.
36:30-akn mnyesal org yg memperolok-olokkan nabi2 yg diturunkan Allah.
nabi Musa and Nabi Khidir. Allah perintahkn nabi Musa (kna blajar
mnjadi pemimpin and pengikut juga) unt ikut nabi khidir and Nabi Musa
tidak boleh bertanya.
Allah nak ajar Nabi Musa supaya ;
1)belajar menjadi pengikut dan tanya pada masanya dan diam selebihnya.
2)Allah mmg nak kita bersusah-susah sbb nak uji kita
3)para syuhada nak beritahu kita jgn takut dan jgn sedih
Klau kita asyik menunjukkan kelemahan kita, x ker org akan mempertikaikan kredibiliti kita?
Actually ad byk cara berdakwah,(eg cara Nabi Musa berdakwah, Nabi Yusuf) depends on siapa yang kita kepada dan keadaannya.In the end kita sendiri yang kena menentukan cara kita nak berdakwah.
1)Ad masa kita tunjukkan kepakaran, ad masa kita merendah diri,
2)dlm surah hujurat,kita x digalakkan mencela diri kita.Cth 'kalaulah macam ni..kalaulah mcam tu..'
Tapi dlm konteks ni,kita digalakkan menuduh diri kita untuk menunjukkan kita dahulu pun pernah berada dlm keadaan jahil.
Kalau org puji kita, kita digalakkan membaca doa Ali:
'Ya Allah ampunilah dosaku terhadap perkara yang mereka tidak tahu, jangan engkau ambil kira tentang ap yang mereka memuji ak, dan jadikanlah ak lebih baik daripada yang mereka sangka..'
Soalan pertama yang kita perlu tanya kepada diri kita semasa kita sampai ke Muktamar ini adalah Apa sebenarnya yang kita nak buat di Muktamar ini?Apa niat kita sebenarnya?Adakah semata-mata menngikut kawan atau semata-mata untuk melancong ke Las Vegas?Pertama sebagai penggerak(refer kepada penggerak2 usrah),kita mestilah pertama sekali mind setkan niat kita.Firstly, is because Allah nilai semua sekali yang kita buat berdasarkan niat kita.Second, kita hendaklah sentiasa berjihad ke jalan Allah.
Allah nak ajar Nabi Musa supaya ;
1)belajar menjadi pengikut dan tanya pada masanya dan diam selebihnya.
2)Allah mmg nak kita bersusah-susah sbb nak uji kita
3)para syuhada nak beritahu kita jgn takut dan jgn sedih
Klau kita asyik menunjukkan kelemahan kita, x ker org akan mempertikaikan kredibiliti kita?
Actually ad byk cara berdakwah,(eg cara Nabi Musa berdakwah, Nabi Yusuf) depends on siapa yang kita kepada dan keadaannya.In the end kita sendiri yang kena menentukan cara kita nak berdakwah.
1)Ad masa kita tunjukkan kepakaran, ad masa kita merendah diri,
2)dlm surah hujurat,kita x digalakkan mencela diri kita.Cth 'kalaulah macam ni..kalaulah mcam tu..'
Tapi dlm konteks ni,kita digalakkan menuduh diri kita untuk menunjukkan kita dahulu pun pernah berada dlm keadaan jahil.
Kalau org puji kita, kita digalakkan membaca doa Ali:
'Ya Allah ampunilah dosaku terhadap perkara yang mereka tidak tahu, jangan engkau ambil kira tentang ap yang mereka memuji ak, dan jadikanlah ak lebih baik daripada yang mereka sangka..'
Soalan pertama yang kita perlu tanya kepada diri kita semasa kita sampai ke Muktamar ini adalah Apa sebenarnya yang kita nak buat di Muktamar ini?Apa niat kita sebenarnya?Adakah semata-mata menngikut kawan atau semata-mata untuk melancong ke Las Vegas?Pertama sebagai penggerak(refer kepada penggerak2 usrah),kita mestilah pertama sekali mind setkan niat kita.Firstly, is because Allah nilai semua sekali yang kita buat berdasarkan niat kita.Second, kita hendaklah sentiasa berjihad ke jalan Allah.
Sebab tu, sebagai Muslim kita kena yakin yang Allah akan menunjukkan jalan kepada kita sekiranya kita berjihad ke jalannya.
· Menagajar di CUCMS (Cyberjaya University College of Medical and Sciences)
· RASULULLAH berada dlm keadaan tercari2- org muda kna ade this attitude
· Environment in Rasulullah pnye zaman: berhala di kaabah, wanita2 seksi,pemimpin Quraisy mnggunakan riba for their own benefit, meminum arak,mncampur adukkan agama (macam keadaan sekarang plak)
· Rasulullah membawa diri ke gua hirak- mengenal Allah
· After know Allah and understand Islam- xterpengaruh dgn jahiliah AND ajak org lain dr kehidupan jahiliah even diri ni blum complete lg.
· Bayangkan lah Rasulullah- wahyu still not complete, tp dh start dakwah!
· Time Rasulullah kumpulkan semua pemimpin Quraisy di bukit Safa, Rasulullah xterus cakap ‘Marilah masuk Islam or anything like that’. Rasulullah tnya first, ‘Jika aku memberitahu kepadamu ada musuh yg dating unt menyerang kota ini, adakah kamu akn mempercayaiku?’ and mereka menjawab ‘ya, kerana kamu tidak pernah bercakap bohong’ and Rasulullah bkta ‘Wahai manusia, selamatkan diri kamu dari api neraka’
· Drpd ramai2 yg pergi mendengar:
o 10%- mempunyai jiwa tercari2, and keinginan unt belajar ttg agama ‘baru’ yg dibawa oleh Rasulullah
o 80%- atas pagar; tak dpt decide what to do
o 10%- menentang agama yg dibawa Rasulullah
· menggunakan bahasa yg mudah unt berdakwah
· actually boleh ke kite percaya pd diri sendiri?
· NO!! sbb tu kite kna ikat diri kite dgn usrah
· To mengikis jahiliah, we need to have:
o Akhlak yg sejahtera
o Ibadah yg sahih
o Manhaj (cara hidup) yg lurus
o Walaq (pemerintah)
§ If salah satu tak betul, kite dh termauk dalam jahiliah
· Adakah kita dah melaksanakan perintah Allah?
· Adakah kita dah meninggalkan larangan-Nya?
· Adakah kita bersyukur dgn nikmat yg diberi-Nya?
· Adakah kita bersabar apabila kita diuji?
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