Thursday, March 15, 2012

Islamic Spring Retreat (ISR) 2012 Part 1

Assalamualaikum to all readers and followers. First of all, on behalf of our usrah group Bubbletea di Syurga (translated: Bubbletea in Heaven) we would like to apologize for having leave this page unattended for a while. We have recently take a break from our online usrah and starting anew with our land usrah with new usrah sisters from our distinctive areas. We are still adjusting but alhamdulillah, everything is going on well now and insyaAllah, though we are in different2 groups now we will still update on this page and try to share as much as we can about what we have learn from our usrahs and the islamic programs that we have follow here in  the land of America. :) And as a new way of spreading dakwah to attract more people around the world, we have decided that we are going to try to write this blog in English. We might mix it sometimes between Malay and English. Hopefully this will work as well. Since this is my first try in English, in the name of Allah, Most Merciful, Most Gracious, let's begin this. :)

As the title suggests, this new post is going to be about the recent ISR that 3 of our usrah members have attended. Alhamdulillah, we are currently having a one week spring break and Nik, Dz and I (Syira) have joined the ISR which was held at Iowa State University from March 12, 2012 to March 13, 2012. It was a really good program and we have all learnt a lot from it. We will try to share as much as we can from it and hopefully the message will get to all of you as well, insyaAllah.

Our first talk was titled "Our Fikrah" and it was presented by Kak Hana from Purdue University. The Islamic Fikrah, or our Fikrah is the teachings of Allah which is syamil, kamil and mutakamil. It covers all aspects of a mukmin's life. 

Definitions and analogies:
Syamil - complete. Islam is complete. It covers all aspects of our lives.
Kamil - perfect. Islam is perfect. Everything that it covers, are the best and perfect. For instance, we can say that all politics such as republican, democrat etc are complete. They all have a leader, and all the leaders have their helpers and so on. But the politics that follow the way of Islam is the best. Likewise someone who wears a top, a bottom and shoes can say he or she has dress completely. But the dress code that is taught by Islam is the best.
Mutakamil - completing/perfecting each other. For instance, we cannot just take one aspect of Islam to follow but we must implement Islam in all aspects. Let's say we have a country. The country could not just implement Islamic law, but the country must also implement Islamic education, Islamic politics and everything else that Islam covers.

This is Islam, the Addeen that is brought down by Allah SWT and brought by our Prophet Muhammad P.B.U.H. It was practiced during the early ages of Islam. Allah S.W.T. has explained about the perfection of Islam in His words (5:3): 

This day I have perfected for you your religion and completed My favor upon you and have approved for you Islam as religion.

Because Dienul Islam is perfect thus we cannot add or lessen (abasa, qul). 

In the Quran, Allah SWT has deliver a surah Abasa (80) in order to remind our Prophet Muhammad PBUH not to make a sour face or look away from the poor people. The whole surah basically is a reminder for him but Muhammad PBUH do not hide nor keep the surah a secret. It is His obligation as a Prophet to deliver it to his ummah and he did so faithfully, without adding or deleting any part of the surah. The same goes in all the surahs that started with Qul. Qul means "Say".(Say o' Muhammad). Although it is a word of order for him to tell others he includes it all when he received the revelation from Gabriel. Thus when we recite the Quran we will read the word "Say" to and this way we too, could feel the obligation to deliver what we have recited to others. 

In the Quran, it is mentioned that when we embrace Islam, we must embrace it fully (2:208):

O you who have believed, enter into Islam completely [and perfectly] and do not follow the footsteps of Satan. Indeed, he is to you a clear enemy.

The same goes that we cannot take one without the other. This is also mentioned in the Quran (2:85):

Then, you are those [same ones who are] killing one another and evicting a party of your people from their homes, cooperating against them in sin and aggression. And if they come to you as captives, you ransom them, although their eviction was forbidden to you. So do you believe in part of the Scripture and disbelieve in part? Then what is the recompense for those who do that among you except disgrace in worldly life; and on the Day of Resurrection they will be sent back to the severest of punishment. And Allah is not unaware of what you do.

Thus, we have to realize that we are followers and worshiper of the Dienul Islam and we declare ourselves as servant of Allah and we are not the creator of Dien. Therefore we are the ones who have to adapt to Islam. 

And it is not that Islam must be in sync with our taste, our wants and our society wants like that of Allah's words (6:116):

And if you obey most of those upon the earth, they will mislead you from the way of Allah . They follow not except assumption, and they are not but falsifying.

Our value is that of Islam, that is the value that has been determined by Allah SWT and applied by Prophet Muhammad P.B.U.H. Thus, we must always be faithful to our Islamic syari'ah. Allah says (4:65):

But no, by thy Lord, they can have no real faith until they make thee judge in all disputes between them and find in their souls no resistance against thy decisions but accept them with fullest conviction.

The Islamic tasawwur must be understood correctly. We must be jiddiah (serious) in understanding Islam and not mix it with other ismes. At this point, Kak Hana shared with us the tale of Umar (Al-Khattab) and the Torah's pieces (Kasyful Musykil: 1:708). Umar is very good at reading. Torah can be found in Madinah. That is why in Madinah the people know that a prophet will be sent to them. The Jews in Palestine thought that this prophet would have been from among them, just as Moses has been. Anyway, back to the story, Umar sat down and read the Torah. That was when Prophet Muhammad PBUH passed by him and asked him what he was doing. Then Umar asked him, "Are you the prophet?". Thus Prophet Muhammad PBUH replied, "If Moses is here at this time, I am certain that even he would have follow me". 

Thus we must know Islam and Jahiliyah, know Islam to apply and know jahiliyah to avoid. We have to know each look, shape and tactic of jahiliyah in order to avoid it. Only through this can we tell which is Islam and which is not. 

We must also know the reality and what is named and what is not named so that we will not misunderstand. For instance holding a charity concert. Although doing charity is good deed, but the way of doing it, by holding a concert is not right or jahiliyah. In understanding Islam and its reality, we are lacking in knowledge. This is why we needed jamaa'ah (doing things together). We certainly do not have the same knowledge but through harakah (group discussion) we could overcome this. 

The same goes, we cannot accept something that is not Islam and easily get influenced by interesting terms or techniques or slogans like: for the sake of development, for the sake of modernization, etc. In this matter we must put forward Islamic fikrah clearly and make a stance for Islamic's teachings to the society.

A muslim must not eliminate even one Islamic fikrah from his/her thoughts. Our fikrah is the deen that is determined by Allah SWT. The Addeen meant here is not the Addeen that is translated into religion, as understood by most people.

The purity of Islam can only be seen from its original source which are Al-Quran and Al-Hadith and also mutabar ulama' and mujahid. Allah has given us the final word and the choice to believe or not, like mentioned in His words (18:29):

And say, "The truth is from your Lord, so whoever wills - let him believe; and whoever wills - let him disbelieve." Indeed, We have prepared for the wrongdoers a fire whose walls will surround them.

We must think forward and far till the day of dooms. Because we don't know where our place is, whether in heaven or in hell. Because of this ignorant we must also have fear and hope. Fear is for recognizing it and hope for those who practice. 

Our effort towards Islam must be at all times and not in formal events only. For that to happen we must have al-wa'yu al Islamiyy (Islamic awareness) . It is not the same as Islamic knowledge. In the effort to gain 'Islamic awareness' we need patience and determination. Someone who have 'Islamic awareness' can easily feel and is sensitive to anything that is opposing Islam. That is why we need education and 'tarbiyyah'. 'Tarbiyyah' which can give birth to syakhsiyyah or the true Muslim personality.

A Muslim mujahid, Al-Ustaz Fathi Yakan said that the development of sahsiyyah can only be shaped in a certain environment which is far from jahiliyah attractions. For instance through halaqah, usrah, ijtima' etc. 

Islamic knowledge must be processed and edited through iman or tarbiyyah iman till the awareness can be born and people are willing to practice Islam faithfully. Fikrah awareness only is not enough but we must iltizam with Islam. This means that wherever we are, we take Islam with us. This also means that our personality, our character, our behavior will all reflect Islam.. Islam become our blood and meat. 

However, we must not deny that in that process there will still be leftovers of the jahiliyah's rusts (rawasib jahiliyah). There is this one tale that could relate to this.Abu Zar r.a. is a close friend of the Prophet PBUH and has learn a lot from him. He has a lot of knowledge in Islam. But he has called Bilal r.a. with the name 'Ibnu Assauda' (dear son of a black woman). Bilal told Prophet Muhammad PBUH about this and the Prophet then called Abu Dzar and told him that he still has the leftover of jahiliyah.  The Prophet then asked Bilal to step on Abud Dzar's cheeks. This shows that even though Abu Dzar is close to the Propeht PBUH and learn from him, he is still jahil (ignorant). 

Thus Islam should be our guidance in doing anything whether it is doing good or leaving the forbidden. Never be guided by group's priority, profession, position, stars etc. 

The process of imaniyyah tarbiyah is such way and it is very important in shaping a mu'min.

Alhamdulillah part 1 of our ISR ends here. InsyaAllah the next part titled Sayonara Jahiliyah will follow after this. 

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