Thursday, January 26, 2012

Muktamar 2011

·         As the final prophet- his teachings are complete and sufficient for us until the day of judgment.
·         Ibadah
·         - to worship Allah, 5 pillars of Islam
·         - most people feel like this (the 5 pillars) is it about the religion, nothing else is religion
·         - basically sleeping, eating and everything that we do everyday, is considered as ibadah and will be rewarded.
·         IBADAH- A’badah- to be a slave 24 hours a day- a person is a constant slave of Allah, living his whole life in submission of Allah.
·         akhlakiah
·         - if we limit our ibadah to just praying and fasting only, we will not the best in akhlak
·         - our prophet is the same as everybody else, he greets everybody, lives like everybody else, he turns his full attention to that person(turns his full body to the person who’s speaking), he helps out with the house chores
·         - akhlak should be in accordance with Nabi Muhammad
·         Muamalah
·         -financial dealings
·         - muflis is the person who’ll come in the day of judgement with a lot of deeds, seems like he’ll be going ito heaven, but a lot of ppl will take credit from him until his good deeds finish. And the bad deeds that he did to people who he can't repay will be added into his account, increasing his bad deeds
·         - make sure business partners are clean, in accordance to sunnah

·         -social aspect
·         - taking care of orphans, pay zakah, be active in muslim as large( not volunteering outside the muslim community-ppl cant see that islam teaches that we shelter the oppressed)
·         - the way we dressed, the mixing of the gender
·         how Indonesia and Malaysia receive Islam?
·         - people interact with each other, the rulers became muslim, muslim show good akhlak shown by muslim traders. JUST THAT!!
·         What should we do?
·         - make a list of things to do? Think in which aspect that we have deficiencies. Try to become a better muslim. It starts with FAMILY-> COMMUNITY-> NON-MUSLIM COMMUNITy
·         why is it that people outside islam do not want to receive islam?
·         - because we just limit our ibadah, 5 pillars just can be done in private (solat-just do in private, zakah- distributed among the muslim) so how would you show to other people the beauty of islam?
·         - we are proud of our faith, and want to prevent other ppl suppressed us as muslim.

·         We have to have the pleasure because everything that we do is Ibadah
·         We always take for granted that we are the best nation, best ummah because in Quran we are said to be the best, though not the chosen.
·         Khairulummah- we are the best nation because we follow the last and most noble prophet.-fadhilat of  Muhammad– come with the final form of islam that is perfect and complete.
·         - best people for the service of others.
·         Challenges: we don’t have that thing we should present to ther people- because huge # of muslim believe in conspiracy theory-there must be the opponent of the truth. We always blame other people for our weaknesses, but not our own selves.
·         Self-discovery, self potential- muhasabah is the fundamental concept of khairulummah
·         Taubah- we always think that it is related to sin, but it’s actually acknowledging our shortcomings and discovering our potentials
·         -we are the cause of Islamophobia- misrepresentation of Islam.
·         How to change?
·         - change yourself- al jahlu- narrow sightedness, the way we see our teachings and our lives as general. We have to change how we see- cultural view of islam has conquered the way we see the world view
·         - tafriqah-unity among ummah- we need to unite among ummah
·         - political problem, economic
·         -self-attitude manner- we are very easily angry!

SPEAKER: Imam Fateen
·         We are family and friends- idea that we are not strangers to each other
·         We use Quran not only to build us psychologically,but to define ourselves, to form communities.
·         Quran is actually a letter from Allah to us!
·         - we always ignore interfaith dialog- we are contented with ppl who look like us, has the same culture as us.
·         witness in the conduct of ppl
·         - clearly define community- provide safety for our children, provide chances to nurture Islamic values
·         1. Founded on the idea of Allah, takwa-relationship with Allah
·         2. Unite!
·         3. Reason that we are here-our responsibility, duty


·         JASAD
·         RUH
·         NAFSU
·         AQAL
·         HATI

·         kna berkenalan then tau mnguruskan diri then kite akn memilih our choices in live n then kte decide.
- something that can be seen dgn mata kasar.
- anggota jasad akn membantu melaksanakn aktiviti and tugas2 ygdiberi
- asal kejadian manusia:
·         Allah memerintahkan malaikat mengambil sampel2 tanah di dunia dan membentuk seorg tompok2 lumpur.
·         Allah meniupkan roh ke dalam bdn Adam, then jadilah seorang manusia.
·         MANUSIA is made of tanah yg ditiupkan roh.
- apakah rahsia Allah nk jadikan manusia sbgai khalifah?
·         Jin and malaikat x de jasad, xdefizikal,
·         Manusia ni tanah yg ditiupkan roh, ade fizikal – MANUSIA ade jasad and roh
·         Kite kna memimpin di bumi, so jasad+rohdiperlukan untk memimpin

-      sesuatu yg ditiupkan Allah
-      tidak boleh dilihat dgn mata kasar
-      hanya melaksanakan tugas yg diberikan

- perunding utama dlm diri kita
- mencadangkan sesuatu yg baik, bagus, selamat and menguntungkan
- memerlukan input ‘ilmu’
- kekuatannyabergantungpd input ygdiberikan

- perunding kedua
- mencadangkan sesuatu ygseronok, sedap, lazat
- kehadirannya beserta dgn proses pertumbuhan n perkembangan diri manusia itu sendiri

- dhamir manusia sendiri
- pemutus and pembuat keputusan
- mendengar apa shj dr akal, nafsu, syaitan, keadaan sekeliling dan agenda hidup seseorang
- bertanggungjawab di hdpn Allah di mahkamahakhirat

kna bagi akal bahan ilmu untk bg cadangan2 yg bernas untk diri kita
·         tp ilmu ni kita mudah lupa- that’s why kita kna slalu muzakarah (perbincangan, pndengaran), bla ilmutu sjuk, akal x mmpu mncdgkan something.
·         nafsu perlu diurus

manusia mampu untuk hidup di duniaini, untk mendapat kehidupan kemanusiaan yg sebenarnya, manusia mmerlukan petunjuk Allah and wahyu from Allah.
Actually, secara fitrahnya otak kte mmpu untuk menilai mana yg betul or salah, baik or buruk
Larangan utama ajaran Buddha untk mencapai ultimate meditation :
X blh bunuh, x berzina, mabuk, menipu, mencuri
Tp most agama (in particular: kristian) xde hukuman untk larangan2 tu.
Islam mengajar halsekecil-kecilnya and sebesar-besarnya oleh Allah. Allah x paksa  kita memilih agama yg lengkap ini.

Allah memberi kita kuasa memilih, provide Nabi Muhammad kpd kite untk mengingatkan kita. So kte blh wt pilihan unt masuk kesyurga or neraka.
Allah sengaja create situation yg kite kna bertarung dgn syaitan/nafsu so that kte yg wat keputusan unt masuk syurga or neraka.

- MALAIKAT and iblis kedua2nya penghuni syurga, bezanya malaikat dicipta dr cahaya and iblis dicipta dr api.  Alam jin x nmpak alam malaikat, alam malaikat lagi halus.
- Manusia jd khalifah, kerana manusia diberi kelebihan fizikal. Malaikat mmg purposely dicipta untk taat, manusia diberi pilihan untk taat,setiap pilihan kite ade consequences nye.
- LELAKI and wanita sama je tanggungjawabnya- lelaki dgn kelebihan2 nya, wanita pn ade kelebihannya, dua2 mngikut fitrah sbb tu equal.
Definition EQUAL tu penting=>dpt menunaikan fitrah masing2.


 3 perkara:
- dr mn kita dtg?
- unt ape kita berada di muka bumi?
- kemana kita akn pg?

kna tahu arah tujuh hdup kte ap.


Untuk memastikan sy benar2 muslim dlm akidah:

1. beriman bhw pencipta alam ini adalah Allah Al-Anbiya’ 21:22
2. beriman tuhan xmencipta alamsecara sia2 tnpa tujuan Al mukminun 23:115-116
3. beriman rasul diturunkan
4. kita ada kuasa memilih
5. yakin dgn urusan penciptaan undang2 adalah hak Allah
6. berusaha mngetahui nama2 n sifat2 Allah, bukan shj menghafal, but tahu n fhm nama2 Allah; hadis bukhari n muslim
7. berfikir, merenungi kehebatan kejadian Allah untk memberi keyakinan n keimanan kpd Allah, bukan memikirkanzat-Nya-mengikuti n mentaati perintah Rasulullah.
8. mengabdikan diri kpd Allah, n xmnyekutukan Allah dgn sesuatuyg lain. ; An-Nahl 16:36
9. takut hanya pd Allah n xtakut pd yg lain. –TAKUT=>menjauhi larangan2 Allah n kemurkaanAllah ; 24:52,67:12
10. mstilah sntiasa mngingati Allah n selalu brzikir, n diam itu adalah dlm keadaan brfikir
- fikir+zikirkn ajalan serentak. 13:28
- klu belaja rshj tnpa brzikir, x kan tenang and klu brzikir tnpa brfikir pn x boleh.
- selalu baca Quran- kurang marah n beri ketenangan
11. wajib mencintai Allah dgn sbnar-bnr cinta, mnjadikanhatisentiasarindudanterikatdgnNya. 9:24
-cinta yg belum halal mmg sgt mencabar coz syaitan sgt suka mnghasut.
- cinta pd ALLAH=>surat2 cinta Allah, kita baca x? kita berdating dgn ALLAH mlm2? Brsunyi2 dgn Allah? – org yg brdating dgn Allah n mmbace surat2 Allah is org yg brdisiplin
12. bertawakal penuh kpd Allah dlm setiap keadaan 65:3
- mmberi kekuatan zahir batin dlm jiwa
- berusaha sedaya-upaya, br brtawakal kpd Allah
- bila kite berdoapd Allah:
1) mulut n hatikn brdoa ttg pkara ygsma
2)and yakin dlm hati kna berdoa ttg pkara yg sma
3)ditunjukkan dgn amal
13. bersyukur nikmat2 Allah; 16:78,14:7
-bila susah, bersyukur dlm keadaan susah- tulah plg susah nkwat n yg terbaik!!!
-pkara yg musibah tu, kite kna brsyukur sbb Allah xkn mnzalimi hamba2Nya.
-klu kte brsangka baik kpada Allah, Allah akn mmbri kebaikan n vice versa
14. beristighfar n memohon keampunan kpd Allah; 4:110
15. berasa  muraqabah n merasai di bwh pengawasan Allah, terang and tersembunyi 58:7

gunakan setiap detik masa yg kita ada unt mendapatkn redha Allah- make full use of time yg kte ade ni.
Wat mind map unt mencapai wawasankita. Berusaha menjadi muslim yg trbaik.


·         Setiap org yakin Allah dh menentukan segala2nya-kna berimandgnpkarakeyakinanni
·         Ape yg ditakdirkan Allah telah tercatit n menjadi rahsia di luh mahfuz
·         Bila Allah nk menentukan segala2nya, Allah tlh menciptailmu cause and effect.- Allah nak kita bongkar ilmutu
·         Manusia dibekal dgn kuasa ikhtiar (memilih) untuk memilih.

- Allah beri kite pilihan nak SYURGA or NERAKA
- Allah rahsiakn perkara di luhmahfiz kerana Allah nk kita gunakan kuasa ikhtiar yg kite ada.
- Hidup kita ini penuh pilihan- org cemerlang=>buat plihan, live with the consequences => successfully live our decision
- bila kite telah memilih untuk jadi muslim, kite kna bersedia unt mentaati perintah Allah, meninggalkn larangan Allah, bersyukur dgnnikmat and bersabar bila diuji.
- kita berasa penat bila kna memnuhi ketaatan- mmrlukanpengorbanan n sokongan rakan2 untk mngingatkan kita.
-perasaan tercari2 should ada pd semua especially remaja


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